Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Quack Quack Quack..........RUN!

I picked up Jessica from school and decided to take the girls to the park and feed the ducks. I had some old bread that i needed to get rid of... so off we went.

We got there and I decided not to put darcy in her stroller but to carry her instead. We had a blanket I thought we could sit on. We didn't get that far. As we started walking up to the shaded area where the ducks were they started coming towards us. I took out a piece of bread and threw it at them. They kept coming... i realized we were not going to be able to put down the blanket. Jessica started to get a little nervous but LOTS of ducks were now coming towards us while we were walking backwards. I was holding darcy but couldn't get the bread out quick enough so i passed her to Jessica and told her no matter what do not drop her! By this time we both were a little nervous to say the least. We were walking backwards as fast as we could throwing bread the whole time. They started making horrible noises... there were so many of them!!!! I was trying to tell Jessica not to panic that they wouldn't hurt... well these 2 old women walked by and said be careful they'll attack you! That didn't help the matters! Finally i seemed to get away from them. I called Jessica from the car and we started feeding the fish... the next thing i knew the ducks were back!!! They snuck up on us... and their were dozens of them swimming from across the lake right towards us!!! I said Jessica lets GO! We jumped in the car... imagine if we had the scroller... that would have slowed us down and they would have gotten us! We closed the doors just as they were approaching the car... it was like that stephen king movie cujo! They were all around us making those horrible noises!

No we will not be back to feed the ducks! I was going to take my camera... i wouldn't have had time for pics!


Nicole said...

did i mention that while i was trying to feed the ducks darcy was trying to take the bread out of my hands!

~Crystal~ said...

I an cracking up....Even though I already heard this story from you on the phone....This blog version is still hilarious!

Vickie said...

What a VISUAL!! I needed a good laugh. LOL