Saturday, May 21, 2005

Busy Saturday

I had a great time last night with jamie... its funny how we knew each other but never really were friends... but through this whole blog thing we've become friends.

This morning I had to get myself, jessica and darcy all ready and leave by 8am!!! Jessica had pictures at 8:30... I was actually EARLY! YEP! Jessica's game was right after pics. She won!! Well THEY won... she scored though! --- I have to say something... here it goes... I'm not saying this b/c its my daughter but its the truth... Jessica is really good. There is another boy on her team that's been playing since he was 3... everyone things he's sooooo wonderful but i don't so. He's a ball hog... he takes it from his own teammates... screams at the other kids to pass it to him but he doesn't pass it to anyone... if the coach tells another kid to throw it in or kick off... he jumps in and does it. The coaches think he all that... they feed into his ego and it really bothers Jessica... I've tried to tell jessica just to play harder... he makes too many errors. He scored 1 goal today and so did jessica... last week he wasn't there and everyone kept saying we need Merrit... HELLO MY KID SCORED 3 FREAKIN GOALS!!!!!!!! WE DON'T NEED MERRIT! yeah they lost last week (BY ONE GOAL) but wasn't b/c of Merrit... it was b/c our defender (we don't have goalies in this league) wouldn't stay in front of the goal. Merrit doesn't really make goals... he's just fast... but ya know what... jessica is right there with him!

okay... i'm sorry... I'm not the only one that feels this way I know two other mothers that mumble under their breath about it!

I kid around with the coach a lot... i have his email address and I thought about dropping a email but i don't think i will. I'll just complain to you guys :)

PS.... sorry Crystal I had stepped away from the computer to feed darcy and when I came back I saw you had tried to IM me... but you were already signed off.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

sounds like you got a lot accomplished!!