Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Yeah... i want some! I don't have any! I begged Matt to get my some but he didn't b/c he had to study! I'm used to eating out... we haven't been in a LOOOOONG time! I'm tired of eating things b/c that's all we have to eat... I want JUNK FOOD! Dorritoes... ice cream... beef jerky... popcorn (thanks to stackie I haven't bought any in a while)... salsa and chips ... and the list could go on and on!!!! I wanna COKE! NO SILLY i'm not on a diet... i just started saving money by not buying extra stuff at the store.... I only buy what I need in order to cook a meal! Yeah, I have squash, chicken, hamburger helper... all that jazz... I just want something to snack on... something that I really can taste! SUSHI!!!! yeah that would be awesome.... I haven't been to the Olive Garden in months! We used to go there almost every other week! heck I would be satisfied with krystal's I love those little things.... Matt was going to get some tonight... he thought he had some money left over from buying my mother's day gift... well he didn't!! i got my hopes up for those little hot square burgers with cheese!!!! I settled for hamburger helper... oh well :( i could be without even that!

do you think i'm crazy??


Staci said...

You are so funny Nicole. I love ya for it though. Sounds like you are sticking to your budget. That's tough. I know- Chris and I have had a hard time trying to spend less on Food. Thanks for posting so often, and being yourself!!!! Love ya

~Crystal~ said...

Girl... I feel your pain.