Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Darcy's Dr Visit

Darcy has had a 'clogged tear duct' since she was born. I've asked the doctor several times if there was something she could give us for her eye but she kept telling me there was nothing for it. Finally when we went on Monday she said "wow her eye looks worse" I said no its always been this way. When the doctor looked in her ear on the same side she said she had some fluid on it... that the eye thing had gone to her ear. I wanted to SCREAM!!!!!!!!! So now we have sap to put in her eye FOUR TIMES A DAY and some augmenten for give her orally twice a day. Hopefully it will all clear up soon.


Jamie said...

Yeah, I'm kinda going through the whole call-in to the nurse thing right now with Tres who is on his 9th straight day of diarhea. One nurse acts concerned and says we need to bring him in and do a stool sample if he doesn't clear up today. Then I get other that says, lets do just ONE more day of Imodium AD. My poor child thinks Imodium is part of his meals and snacks.

Rhonda said...

My daughter had this problem when she was an infant (3mths old) and they had to probe and irrigate it to clear it up. It was an out patient visit to an EENT and the whole thing lasted 10 minutes. You should ask about it. She is now 20 and has never had a bit more trouble with it.

good luck!