Tuesday, June 14, 2005


First of all let me say that I love my nephew! I'm grateful that my family is close (in every aspect of the word). However, I'm going to pull out my stinkin hair!!! OR HIS! I agreed to watch him over the next 2 weeks. I'm going to be paid $200 for 2 weeks... I figured HECK i need the money... 2 weeks won't kill me... what was I thinking?! I've heard the boys will be boys excuse till i'm ready to barf! I've been around lots of little boys but he is by far the most energized and undisciplined kid i've ever been around!!!!!!!! He's 7 years old and he acts like he's 4! But I can't blame him... its his parents fault! They need to discipline him!!!

I grew up with Tommy Staggs... my parents and his parents were best of friends... we took family trips together and spent almost every weekend at each other's house while our parents played cards till the whee hours of the morning. We would fight like cats and dogs after too much time together... Zac and Jessica do the same. Jessica is very bossy!!!! She's used to being alone (with Darcy's she's gonna have to get over that quickly). When Zac's here she's constantly entertaining him. He doesn't know how to sit and chill like Jessica likes to do. I heard them fussing earlier and I called them in the living room to find out what was going. Jessica blurted out he's annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't agree more but I had to play peace keeper. so I gave them this long speech about trying not to get on each other nerves and not being so bossy. It didn't work too well. At this moment Jessica is hiding out in her room while Zac is jumping all over my living room while making blast off noises... Matt's home too now... my sister gets off work at 2:30 or 3pm... its 4 pm and she just called to say she has to run to auto zone... I'm at my whitts end and today is only the first day of my 2 weeks! Please pray for my patience. I would love to send them outside but they complained that it was tooo hot ( I don't doubt it). I laid Darcy down earlier but she got woke up by them (probably him) dropping something that made a loud boom.

WELL I'M AN IDIOT... as i'm sitting here i realized Jessica has a soccer game at 6pm so i need to go find her uniform and get everyone ready. she has to be there at 5:30!

bye for now!


Vickie said...

One thing that may help with him is to be sure you don't give him any sugar, caffeine or chocolate. He sounds like he has alot of wasted energy and his little body doesn't need any extra stimulation. I would also after lunch, send Jessica to her room to be alone for at least an hour and at that same time make him lay down somewhere with no toys or tv and be quiet and still. He may get so bored and relaxed he could fall asleep. In this hot weather it doesn't hurt for anyone to take an afternoon rest/nap.
This is just some suggestions. I hope I was a little help. LOVE YA!!

Jamie said...

My suggestion is to set up a sprinkler or give them both water guns and make them go outside anyway. They will end up having fun, and expelling energy!! The water gun thing works great with Tres, cause he stays just cool enough to want to stay outside some more. We also do sidewalk chalk a lot. Or if he plays computer games, let him have at if for a while to give yourself a little breather.
ORRRR.... if you want to come to Buck Creek Park one afternoon and meet me, they could run some energy off with Tres. Just a thought. :)