Saturday, June 18, 2005


For the last several hours we've been watching TNT. First we watched Into the West... its a miniseries... then we started to watch Dances with Wolves but Matthew just went to bed (the movie still has an hour and a half left)... poor guy he's tired! He worked today and we have to be at church in the morning. I feel sorry for him b/c we're having church outside and I know thats the last place he wants to be. They're having some kind of old world thing where we supposedly go do different stations and learn about what Jesus did back then. Its going on all week long.

Well I guess i'd better go to bed myself.... good night all!

Don't forget to call you daddies tomorrow and tell em happy fathers day!


native-nc said...

Did you like into the west??? I've watched for the past couple of weeks, I like history based stuff.

Jamie said...

I like Into the West! I also watched that Saturday night.