Thursday, June 16, 2005


My sister calls me today after she's dropped off Zachery to ask if I can help her out anymore... I thought to myself what does she mean??? So I said "you mean after these 2 weeks??" she said yeah. I wanted to scream... turns out that something is going on with her babysitter (who is 15 and happens to be Tony's cousin).... she said her mother in law came into work and said she needed to find a back up plan... so of course she calls me! I told her i'd let her know later... my answer is definetly NO! But just trying to figure out how to tell her is my problem... cause I know she'll be mad and then everyone will start telling me how i'm selfish and never want to help anyone else out.

Once I came out of my bedroom around 10:30 jessica said zac was hungry... i said okay well go eat some cereal... she said he couldn't eat our cereal b/c it wasn't good for him... I was like 'what?' yesterday he brought his own but didn't bring it today and apparently frosted flakes isn't good for him per his doctor. So We had an early lunch. My sister said she was going to send stuff with him to eat but she didn't send anything... so far he's had raviolli and a bologna sandwich... its 10 minutes till 3 and I haven't heard from my sister... she's supposed to get off at 2:30!

I took a shower around 12pm so I could run some errands... as I was getting out of the shower Jessica bust in my room to tell me zac's crying and can't breath... I'm thinking what in the heck is going on????? Well, turns out he's in the bathroom and is constipated! He's in there screaming and kicking the wall! I'm thinking to myself what i'm I supposed to do about this? So I call my sister who tells me sometimes he gets an upset tummy when he eats bad stuff... she said i just needed to calm him down... the whole time i'm thinking this kid needs to get his butt beatin for pitching a fit! But finally he calms down and comes out of the bathroom.... 10 minutes later!

I've had a pretty productive day... I ran some errands that needed to be done last week. I also sent off my ebay stuff that had sold!!!! yippee! well thats enough for now!


Nicole said...

I'm going to say no. And i'm sticking to it. my sister says she cannot afford to pay daycare and she knows that most places don't have a 'part time' deal... well first of all... she thinks $40 is good enough... heck no! her money doesn't even cover the food he eats... and $40 doesn't calm my nerves! 2nd... i'm not sure what this thing is with the part time deal... during the school year she got off at 2:30 just in time to pick up Zac... well so far this week she's picked him up after 4pm!!! I just called her and she's still at work! This isn't part time and it def. way more than $40! If she can't afford to send him to daycare then she can't afford all these beach trips she's taking... whether the condo is free or not... she still has to pay for gas and entertainment... not to mention they go out to eat while they're home all the stinkin time so like i've had to learn... prioritize (sp).

Jamie said...

Nicole, do not feel bad (or let others make you feel bad for that matter) for not wanting to entertain a third child. Just because you are a stay at home mom does not mean that you have free time or do nothing!! I agree with Heather... say no... be busy... tell your sister to try a mother's day out program. A lot of them run 5 days a week... but I think they only go till 2.

Anonymous said...

Please don't do this!!! I agree with the others & think it will cause more family problems in the long run than just saying NO! & dealing with it now!!!!

Coming to pick him up late is already becoming a habit! I imagine it will go from bad to worse if this ends up being a permanent situation.


~Crystal~ said...

I really hope you say NO. I agree with Tiff, if you don't nip this in the bud now, it will only cause more drama later.

Vickie said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Sorry Mom didn't delete that post, it was me. I forgot that since I'm her computer that, I would be making comments as her.
So......Where are you?