Friday, June 03, 2005

Camp Update

I woke up Darcy this morning and asked if she was ready to pick up sissy... she was more than excited! She babbled all the way there and once she saw her sissy she went crazy! She let out squeals all the way to my mom's office in Hoover. We went by mom's work to let Jessica visit with her. In the car on the way there I was asking Jessica about camp. She blurted out "I can speak in tongues!" For some of you this may be a little odd but for us its not all that odd. I was a little surprised to hear Jessica (my 9 1/2 year old) tell me that she's been filled with the Holy Spirit but it was awesome.... and she was very excited about it. I don't doubt for one minute that it didn't happen. She said it happened Wednesday night at service. She said Micah (pastor's son thats the same age as Jessica) was praying for her and she was kneeling down and then she went all the way down (in her words she was 'anchored' down) she said then Micah starting praying and the next thing she knew was she was speaking in tongues! She said when she got up she felt really dizzy and couldn't walk. She said she had to sit down for a long time before she could walk. It was so neat to hear her explain what happened. Amazing... simply amazing!

Jessica received 7 letters while at camp! She wore the same jeans every day b/c it was cold and rainy. But overall she had fun. She did make new friends.


~Crystal~ said...

WOW...That story gave my goose bumps! Love it!

Vickie said...

That is amazing. This totally makes up for all the drama you've been having to deal with lately. AWESOME!! Congratulations Jessica!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!