Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I was looking at the missing persons list in alabama and linked to the deathrow list. I browsed over it and was looking at the ages of everyone. I found Mark Anthony Duke... some of you remember his story. He and his friends killed his dad, his dad's fiance and her 2 daughters back in 1997. This happened in Pelham, just down the road from my sister. Well after I saw his name I searched the internet to make sure that was the same person. I found his website It's really interesting. He keeps a journal and gave his life to Christ in Jan of this year. I decided to write him. I told him about myself and my family and tried to encourage him a little. I thought some of you might be interested. Don't be quick to judge... people can and DO change. He is proof.


~Crystal~ said...

I think it is awesome that you are willing to see people...really see them. Not many are willing to do that. It is a rare gift.
Most people would write that kid off for what he did & never give him a chance. But would Christ do that?
Keep it up, girl!

Jamie said...

I think that I tend to 'write' people like that off as lost causes. Thank you for reminding me that there is no such thing.

Vickie said...

I think it's awesome Nicole!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Nicole, people CAN change. That is the point of the gospel...God can change us! I am a little afraid to go look on internet sites like that now though...I found a guy I went to Bible study with was on the sex offender registry. Very nice man...but that was hard to reconcile within myself. I think that was a good learning moment for me...I would have been a lot more judgemental if I hadn't found someone I know and like.