Thursday, June 09, 2005

the sickie ickie

I've brushed off my yucky feeling on sinus' but I think its more than that. I don't seem to be getting any better :(

Matthew had a safety meeting today and we done by 10 am so they gave him the rest of the day off. I was very grateful. I had gotten up around 9 or so and had been laying on the couch trying to stay away from the kids. Jessica was so helpful. She had to feed Darcy, change her diaper and entertain her. She's so a BIG help... I hope I never take advantage of that. On his way home Matt stopped for some cough medicine... he got the yucky kind but it seemed to help for a little while. My sister picked up the Zac and Jessica around 1:30 to head towards the beach. ((( pray the weather stays nice... Arlene may arrive on Sat.))) Matthew and I (and Darcy too) rented PPV... we say Hotel Rowanda... soooooooo stinking sad. I'm clueless when it comes to things going on outside of our country... I felt dumb for not knowing about all that happening. After the movie we watched Hit Me Baby One More Time... neat show... too bad I will never be able to watch it again. Yeah.... I skipped Celebrate Recovery tonight. Well I'm gonna get ready for bed. Pray that I feel better tomorrow... we've got to drive 3 hours to Ft. Benning (matt will not be home until 3 or 3:30) and get up Saturday morning in order to be at the ceremony by 7am!!!!!! Its a 2 hours ceremony outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then drive back!

Just a little note.... I have an amazing husband. He has been right by my side today taking care of me. I didn't have to lift one finger. He made me lunch, straightened up and took care of Darcy for me. We did ear candles in my ears. He rubbed my back and brought me medicine. He kept my cup filled all day. He's such a sweetheart. I never had to ask for a thing.

good night.... I might not be able to post tomorrow or saturday... sorry to disappoint you all :)


Vickie said...

I hope you get to feeling better.

~Crystal~ said...

I hope you fell better & have a safe trip! Call me when you get home & give me the scoop on what happens! :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I had known you were coming down here...I live in Columbus right now. Too bad...I hope the ceremony wasn't too wet.