Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wardrobe disaster

So for this function we had to be at had a dress code for the graduates.... coat or jacket and shirt and tie... I knew in my head what we were going to wear... we should have tried it all on before or at least gotten it ready but I didn't! So when matt gets home we take a shower and start to get ready. I laid out his pants and shirt. He put on his shirt while I searched for his tie... the shirt wouldn't bottom at the top!!!! I said not to worry that we could cheat with the tie... but i couldn't find the tie!!!!! So after we looked everywhere I sent him to his parents house (just down the street) to borrow a tie and shirt. He was wearing black pants. He came back from his parents house with a BLUE oxford cotton shirt and a SKINNY NAVY BLUE TIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't hold back... i busted out with a big ole "you can't wear that!!" I asked him if he picked it out himself or did he have help.. he said his dad took it off his back to let him wear it... YIKES! So I called my sister and she was able to save the day. She let him borrow on of tony's shirts and tie. I was having difficulty with my outfit b/c I didn't have anything that fit me!!!! But we pulled it together and both looked nice.

Heather got off work early so she could keep darcy for us. We were supposed to leave by 5pm but she called close to 5 to tell us she'd been rearended!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt horrible b/c i knew she was rushing to get to our house. But she and her car were both fine. She had a little bumb on her head b/c the sunvisor hit her. When we got home last night she said her neck was starting to bother her. I checked on her earlier today and she had stayed home from work b/c she was really sore.

I felt bad b/c when she got here we had to leave right a way. I forgot to tell her how to put together the bottle and where the diapers were... she was left in the dark but did really well. she's a smart girl! In case I didn't tell you enough I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU, HEATHER!!!!!! THANKS AGAIN!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

How funny! and poor Heather!