Sunday, June 05, 2005


I totally forgot to mention that I gave Matthew a pedicure today!!!!!! He doesn't take care of his feet... what men do? Well I got two buckets and filled them with warm water. I added some bath oil to soften em up a bit. I made him sit down in the purple chair with a book and told him to relax! I let his nasty feet soak then I scrubbed them and dug all the gunk from under his toenails... yuck! Then I let them soak some MORE!!!! Next I rubbed his legs and feet with lotion. Cut his toenails... filed them and then used the little thingy that gets all the dead skin off. Then i rubbed his legs and feet with lotion again. They looked MUCH better. I told him that he needed a professional to really get some of those cuticles cut back but he says heck no! I think he really enjoyed it... he said he'd let me do it again. We'll see :)

Ya know... I wouldn't trust him to do mine but I wouldn't mind if he wanted to rub my legs and feet with lotion on occasion. He did when I was pregnant... i guess if thats what it takes... just kidding! We have some massage gloves that i've hinted around about... ya know girls know exactly what they want but how do we get across to them... i guess we just have to come right out and say it! I know that I would absolutely love it IF>>>> he'd turn our bedroom into a spa. He could light some candles... put on some mood music... and get our oil out and rub me down with it... nothing sexual... women don't always need that... sometimes its just the touch that makes us melt. anyways... i would love a good massage! I would do that for him but i'm not sure if he'd love it as much as i would... but he may try to copy cat me... HEY that might work!!!! First i have to clean up my nasty room!... its really not nasty but it has clothes everywhere!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

If your house is anything like mine, your room is the catch all! We did some laundry this weekend. It got washed, dried and folded, but not put away! Instead it is sitting in baskets in my room!