Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What does is mean to lead?

Webster says to lead is to go with or ahead of so as to show the way; guide. Most of you know I've been a leader of a small group at Celebrate Recovery. As a leader I have to not only talk the talk but walk the walk.... and i've failed to do so in some areas. I can give you excuse after excuse but honestly they don't matter. I haven't been in church on a regular basis since Darcy was born and I don't make time to read my bible... yes I pray but that's not enough. Today I was told that I could no longer be a leader unless I was attending church regularily. I could have gotten mad but I didn't... I love Celebrate Recovery and all my 'girls' there. I'm thankful for the accountability in leadership. I was given the option not to go tomorrow night to the meeting but I didn't think that was fair. My girls wouldn't know that I'm not there b/c I haven't been going to church... they'd just assume I was sick or something. I want them to know that I'm not leading the group b/c I'm not living up to leadership standards. How can I tell my 'girls' about living for the Lord if I'm not giving it my all. So I'm going to the meeting and I'm going to tell my girls is more than talking the talk... its living it out in your every day actions. Just like I couldn't be a leader if I was drinking b/c the goal of CR is to be alcohol and drug free and free of any addiction. Addiction being anything that has control over you life. ( Webster says addiction is to give or devote (oneself) persistently or habitually. ) I just wanted felt like I should share this with you guys. Whether you're a "leader" or not... you're still and example of Christ and I know that at CR I am sometimes the only "Jesus" they see so I have to be all that I can be before them and the Lord.


Jamie said...

So are you stepping down?

Nicole said...

No. I'm not stepping down, but I can't be a leader until I go to church... and this is kinda like a shove to be in church... which i need to be there and so does my family.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you sharing this. IT is a great reminder for us all. I hope this will be a great example for others. Thank You!

Staci said...

Its hard to know what to say, because I am in a leadership position at our church, and work with leaders who don't come on Sunday Mornings, but lead in the youth group on Sunday Nights, we are just thankful that they can committ to being there when they can. I do feel that it should be a priority in your life, and you children will learn that it is important to be in church (Not forsaking the fellowship of others) but what you do in your home around your Child will speak louder than you taking them to church. So you are right- Walking the Walk is harder than talking the Talk, and being a leader is not always about how many times you walked into church, but what you did with what you learned in church- its a strange thing that we think we know, but then we go through times in our lives when we realize that we don't really know! I am not sure if I am making any since, but I just felt the need to speak on this. The kingdom of Heaven is IN US, WE ARE THE BODY, - its important to be in church, but more important that we are ONE with Christ. On the other side, I can see where being on Staff at a church, you really long for your leaders to be at the church during services to set examples of putting God and Church as #1 in your lives. I could go on about this, but I will stop. Get me going and its hard to shut me up! I'm tired though and ready for bed. Goodnight. Glad you could see it as a blessing though- a friendly shove is good if it pushes you in the right direction.