Thursday, April 21, 2005


If you have money issues - who doesn't?! - then I suggest Dave Ramsey! Matthew and I have struggled with money since we've been married... after losing my job we're really struggling. But now we have a plan! A friend of Matt's burned the Dave Ramsey Audio for us. We've been listening to it together in the car or while in bed. It has really opened our eyes to some things we've been doing wrong. The first 2 cd's talks teaches us myths and facts about commom money problems. The 3rd one (the one we are now on) gives you step by step instructions on what to do. We really needed this! Dave's motto is "Live like no one else today so that later you can live like no one else!" I'll keep you posted as we clean up our debt. First he tells you to make a budget EACH MONTH! and stick to it. Then he says if your average income is $40,000 than you need to have a emergency fund of $1,000. If its less then your should be $500. The emergency fund is ONLY for emergencies... not vacations, shopping sprees, christmas or any other holidays... its for things like if your transmission goes out or those types of emergency. He says to go in order of the steps. The next thing he says is to write down you debts in least to greatest not including your house. Then pay the minimum on the larger debts but find a way to pay more on the smallest debt till its paid off and then move to the next one.. he calls this the snowball effect.

He also says that in you cannot pay off your cars in 18 months you don't need em! So yes, we are selling our vehicles... mine first b/c its the most expensive. He also suggest that in order to get your $1,000 fast that you have a garage sell and sell everything you don't need. Well, we're going to have one real soon! Matt's is selling his huge weight bench and some older instruments. I'm selling my precious vanity in my room, the buffet stand in my kitchen, probably my coffee table, a foosball table, trampoline and lots of other smaller things. So if you're interested make an offer!

If you would like a copy of his cd... let me know and I'll burn it for you!


Staci said...

I would like one!

Jamie said...

Hey Nicole! This is Jamie (Morrison) Boemer. I found your blog through Crystal's and Staci's. I have enjoyed reading about your family and catching up on your a life! What did your husband take a journeyman's test for? Just curious! Feel free to check my family out! I have 2 boys!

Nicole said...

Hey Jamie! Matthew took his electrician's journeyman's test. He didn't pass on his first try. I wasn't really surprised b/c he hasn't been studing. But he didn't fail by too much. Maybe next time :)

Its good to hear from you! I'll def. check your family out.

native-nc said...

Send me a copy too!