Sunday, April 03, 2005


Okay so after the Olive Garden experience I met Lisa at the Mall to find her something to wear to the golf tournament tomorrow.

Let's back up a little bit... Lisa is my friend from church and celebrate recovery that had the tummy surgery so she's lost a lot of weight but she hasn't bought herself any new clothes.

Okay so I get to the mall before her and start browsing through the store. I picked out some clothes for her and by the time she got there I had my hands full of stuff. So we began trying on stuff... we had a BLAST!!!!! she was trying on things that she would have never of looked twice at AND she was looking good in them!!!!! I was so happy for her and she was feeling good about herself. We left there with LOTS of cute things... I can't wait till the next time I see her... she's going to be looking FINE!

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