Monday, April 25, 2005


When will this all end?!?! This time it had nothing to do with the movie she watched... instead she overheard some people (including my mom & sister) at the ball park talking about the kid that went missing Friday night. I wasn't there yet when all this talk was going on or else I would have happily said... "shut up i don't want my daughter to be scared!"
So last night Jessica comes storming through our door and says she had a dream that someone was going to kidnap her... I assured her that no one was going to take her... we prayed and back she went.... no more than 10 minutes had passed by when she bout busted the door down! She was shaking and said someone was at her window. I tried to convince her no one was there and she was going to be okay but she wasn't going back to her room. I finally moved to the middle and let her climb in bed with us. I guess I'm going to have to make space in my room for a sleeping bag. I don't like sleeping in the middle! I felt bad for matthew b/c he's back to working 62 hours a week... his alarm goes off at 3:45am!
I thought about calling my mother in the middle of the night just to thank her for her stupidity... i waited :) I called her this morning and told her what had happened. She told me that they found the boy... he had wondered off but was okay. I said well great... I'll let jessica know!
Here lately matt and I when we pray at night we don't have to pray that Darcy sleeps all night we've been praying that Jessica sleeps through the night!

1 comment:

~Crystal~ said...

Bless her heart. It seems that movie may have open Pandora's Box.
I used to be the same way. I was so scared to sleep at night. I would sleep with my head covered & I wouldn't move. I was terrified. I know how she feels. Nothing made me feel better. Or could convince me I was safe.
I'll pray, that she can rest in the slumber of the Lord. And that peace will consume her.