Why do people require so much of you and get mad when you cannot commit??? Geez its like every night of the week and weekend we've got to tell someone "No, we can't make it." This weekend is already jammed packed full of things we 'have to be at' like jessica's soccer game, and a birthday party, the hospital to visit a friend and now a family reunion!!! My husband is working Saturday. I've already had to say no to going to the mother/daughter tea at church... going out of town with a friend... and i'm trying to find a way out of the family reunion. I don't think people understand we have other things that are more important... like spending time with each other and our girls!!!!!
I'm sure you all go through this but i'm the only one who likes to complain to the world about it :)
Monday's matt has school.
Tuesday's are mostly free.
Wednesday's we have soccer practice.
Thursday's is celebrate recovery & matt practices.
Friday's are no longer considered the weekend b/c Matt is working 6 days a week.
Saturday's matt is working and jessica has practice. By the time he gets home he's exuasted.
Sunday's we have to be at church.
May not seem too busy to you but we like our family time and someone is always requiring us to give it up.