Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I've gotta joke to tell but i'm giving you plenty of time to back out now... its offensive but extremely funny... especially since my husband is the one who told me... and if you know my hubby then you know he's very conservative which makes this joke even that much more funny.

here it goes

last chance...


a beautiful blonde walks into the dry cleaners and put her blouse on the counter. the man has his back to her as she tells him she needs this back by tomorrow... he turns around b/c he couldn't hear her and says "come again?" and she replies "no, mustard this time." LOL

yeah... my hubby told me that joke!!!!!!!


A-List said...

LOL nice joke ;)

Staci said...

That is funny- I had a friend in Highschool that always used that term "come again" when she didn't understand you- so of course I picked up on saying it, and now I laugh at myself when I hear myself say it!

I'm surprise Matt told you- I am sure hearing him was a riot!