Sunday, January 08, 2006


yea i know thats a first but truly I am.

I have mixed emotions today. I'm excited but sad (and maybe a little envious) all at the same time. Amy, Matt's little sister, is leaving tomorrow for 6 months. This next week she'll be in California with her parents but after that she's flying to Turkey! She's going to be a tutor for a missionary family. She'll also spend several weeks backpacking through Europe. Neat huh. Having the opportunity to take such a life changing journey is something we all dream about.... at least I did/do. She's turning 21 on the 10th of this month. She graduated college last month... bright girl.... beautiful too. She's got good things going for her. I'm proud of her. I'm gonna miss her. I know we didn't hang out a lot but now thats she's going to be gone for 6 months i'm having crazy regrets. I love her... and apparently I didn't show that very well. But I do. I LOVE YOU AMY MICHELLE BROCK! I think you're great!

okay so before I start crying again I'd better go. I want everyone to add Amy to your prayer list. It's gonna be hard for her to leave but it will be the best thing for her. And pray for her parents... She's their baby and unlike when she went off to college in Tenn she's not just a few hours away. It will be good for everyone. It's sad to think she's not going to be around the girls for six whole months... I mean Darcy probably won't notice but Jessica will. She loves her Aunt Amy... thinks she hung the moon. And she's not going to be here when the twins are born :) But thats all okay... at least she'll come back to us eventually.


native-nc said...

That's a great pic, amy looks real good. The last time I saw her her hair was long & she was doing the hippee thing. She looks so grow up & smart too.

native-nc said...

Oh yeah, I loved to travel. It's really cool that she is taking time out for herself to do all the fun stuff before she settles down or whatever.

Vickie said...

What an AWESOME adventure!! I was never brave enough to take on something like that.

Staci said...

That is so cool, I would love to do something like that- by the time I was 21 I was a married youth pastors wife, and that was enough adventure for me!!! I still loved and still love taking trips out of the country. I guess after this baby is born, I'll have to depend on grandparents to take care of the baby so I can still go out of the country- from time to time. We were suppose to go back to SCOTLAND this Spring, (as of June 05) but once I found out I was pregnant, we dropped out of the planning- the other group is still going, but hopefully they will go again next year!

Staci said...

Plus I didn't want Chris out of the country when the baby was born, and I didn't think it was fair for him to leave and go to SCOTLAND without me!