Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pregnancy tales

okay... so if you think you'll get offended then you probably will... so don't read any further!

i'm just gonna be honest okay

i've been having some major pressure down yonder for months now. I've talked with the doctor about this and he says its normal and will only get worse. He even did an exam to 'make sure' everything was okay. It hurts when I lift my left to put on my pants. It hurts to walk sometimes. It hurts when i've sat for too long. It can just hurt without me doing anything! I feel like I'm going to drop a baby! Now I'm not scared... I'm just uncomfortable. I know everything will be alright.

sometimes if i have to pee i'll wait a little longer b/c i don't feel like getting up (this mostly happens in the middle of the night)... well when I do decide to get up and go I sometimes have to walk funny in order to keep from peeing on myself b/c i've waited too long. and you already know about my whole wiping ordeal :)

tonight at dinner i felt something odd and looked down... I had a big wet circle on my shirt from where my boob leaked! LOL thank God it was just us and Grandmaw (and she can't see). I don't walk around the house without a bra on when the brocks are home. I've known that my boobs already have 'stuff' in them but never have they just started leaking on their own like that before.

after careful consideration and prayer i've decided to go with a c-section (now this scares me). I figured that I might be able to have one child vaginal (well thats if they turn) but then what if I get tired and can't get the other one out or if the baby tires out... they'd have to cut me open. It would be my luck that I would have one vaginal birth and the other by c-section... so'd I'd be recovering from a double whammy. I'm just gonna trust God and my doctor... i'll be fine. Sure I'll be wide awake and know exactly whats going on... and my mind can be my biggest enemy... i'll be lying there they're cutting me open... they're taking out my insides.... yeah i know i'll be numb but i'll i still be able to feel the pressure and them tugging on me... and i'll be able to hear everything thats going on. just pray that God would give me and matty a peace about it. He's a little worried too. Worried that i'll be able to feel it... or that i'll start tripping out on him. And maybe a little worried that he'll trip out on me :)

okay so thats enough... i'm going to bed. its midnight!


dana said...

I had the whole boob leakage thing with Jesse before I had him. I had to wear nursing pads for like 3-4 months before he was born cuz it was alot. (sorry about the info.) And with a c-section (I had 2 cuz they were afraid if I tried to push either time my retinas would detach and I would go blind) the c-section itself isn't so bad. I am guessing you had an epidural with Darcy so you already know what to expect with that. You really don't hear what is going on. You have someone up at your head talking to you the whole time. There is a lot of pressure when they are pulling the baby out but it is just for a second and then it's over and you can breathe again. The worst part for me was laying on my back for that long cuz it was rough to breathe. I have more info. on c-sections if you want it but I don't want to make you more nervous or scared cuz I know you are already scared enough. let me know. Just try to take it easy (I know easier said than done) Let people do for themselves if they can. If there is anything I can do from Michigan let me know.

~Crystal~ said...

Haha..You crack me up, Nicole when are you not honest? :)
Love ya.

Staci said...

I talked with a lady Sunday night about you- and she said a friend of her's was pregnant with twins (and so was she) and they tried to deliver both, and ended up doing one normal and one c-section- so she said the recovery was terrible! So I think you are making a wise choice- unless in the next month those boys turn around down south. I'm sorry you are having all the pressure down there. I can't really help you out, but I can pray that your pain will ease! I keep an eye out on my boobs to make sure they aren't leaking and so far nothing- so I should be alright- but as soon as I read your post I looked down :-) I know Silly Me! Love you girl... take it easy-

native-nc said...

I see you enjoyed my pregnanct tales as much as I enjoy yours. Sorry for the discomfort but the rest is just comedic relief. I also agree with stack about you making the right decision for the c-section. Will be praying for perfect peace with you & matthew!