Monday, January 02, 2006

The weekend is over

It's been nice having Matthew home for 2 long weekends in a row... but its all about to end. He starts a new job (not a *new job but a new place) tomorrow... its a lot closer!!!! But they'll be working normal hours... 8 hours a day 5 days a week. No more friday's off :( But atleast he's not working as much as he was... those 7 days a week work weeks were a joke!

Today - While Darcy took a nap and Jessica played, Matthew and I piddled in our vehicles. He put all of his tools in his tool box and I cleaned the inside of my explorer. I didn't get to vacuum but thats good b/c after Darcy woke up the 4 of us went to the wildlife managment area to practice shooting the bow. I mainly watched Darcy play in the RED MUD!!!! OMG! What am I going to do with TWO BOYS?! By the time we left there I had to strip her down to her diaper and shirt!

Tonight we watched a movie... Valiant? it was a kid's movie... cute i guess. Darcy wasn't interested so we spent a lot of the movie chasing her around.

Tomorrow we have a doctor's appointment... my mother in law usually keeps Darcy but her mother is having surgery... nothing serious... I mean surgery is serious but you know what i mean... she's not dying.... Jessica doesn't start school back until Wednesday so we're gonna try taken them both with us. I hope it goes well. It's probably going to be a long appointment b/c i'm having another ultrasound and with twins it takes longer... and after that i have to see the doctor.

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