Saturday, January 28, 2006


She found my blog through Stackie's... whoo hoo! So she spent most of the night catching up on all the stuff I had written... her xanga entry was directed towards me and my lack of willingness to return favors for my sister... go figure! So once again I'm the bad one b/c apparently my sister does so much for me and I should jump at every opportunity to repay her. Yes, I have a wonderful sister... but I really don't ask her to do anything for me... she calls me and ask if the girls can go over to her house but mainly its to keep Zac busy. I very rarely ask her to watch them. My frustration comes when she assumes since i'm a stay at home mom that I'm free to always pick him up from school.... and she says she's on her way just running a few minutes behind... then shows up an hour and half later... thats just not being very considerate... and no she doesn't call to let me know.

anyways... I explained to my mom that I created this blog for my FRIENDS!!! And that the last people I wanted to find my blog were my family members... I'm not gossiping about my family but yes I do vent to them over phone conversations about things I'm going through... this site was created so I wouldn't have to repeat myself over and over again... why do i need to tell my friends about family junk... b/c they're my friends and they most of the time give me good advice about dealing with things. For those of you who've stumbled on my blog and don't know me... I'm glad you're here too b/c seem to help each other out by realizing we're not alone in our struggles.

Off the soap box!


Staci said...

I'm sorry girl...
It's hard to hide things on the World Wide Web from anyone! Hope I didn't cause too much trouble...

Jamie said...

Goodness! What a mess, huh? Remember my old blog... maybe you should think about that?

Vickie said...

Everybody needs an outlet!!

~Crystal~ said...

Oh goodness gracious. I know this is frustrating for you. I'm sorry girl. :(

native-nc said...

I've thought about sharing my blog with "family" but like you I want to share things as they happen. And think about it later. I hope you continue to share with us all!!!