Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Mystery Solved!

All day yesterday I was trying to figure out who's Beth. I kept telling myself that I was going to look like an idiot if I asked her and i've known her forever. Turns out I don't know her... but would love the opportunity to get to know her.

Its funny how this blog/xanga thing has brought so many people together... old friends and even new ones. It's been an encouraging thing to me. For some reason its easier to let it all out here. And its refreshing to have someone reaffirm your feelings or encourage you. A lot of us have so many things in common we would have never known if it weren't for these 'outlets.' I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read AND COMMENT on my blog. And for those of you who read without commenting... well maybe it some way I'm helping you deal with something in your own life.... Or you could just be reading to keep up with the goods on me :) Either way its cool with me. Just know I'm human... and i say things on here that I feel at the certain moment. Some things may be harsh or distasteful but I'm just being honest. I've said some things here that I wish I would have kept to myself but thats okay too. For those of you who know me and know me well... then you know i have a hard time biting my tongue :) And more times than not I end up eating my FOOT!!!!

anways... hubby's out of the shower and its movie time.

1 comment:

native-nc said...

Definetly an outlet for me, & I love it when you blab it out. I can totally relate!!! Love ya!