Thursday, January 26, 2006

A little bit about ME!

I'm 26 and the mother of 2 girls, Jessica (10) & Darcy (14months). I have the BEST husband in the whole world... don't even bother argueing with me on that one :) We've been married 2 years this past September. We've been together for 6 years in March. He's my soulmate... no doubt about it.

My daughter Jessica was born a month before my 16th birthday. Her father and I didn't stay together much longer after she was born. He still has some contact with her today but mainly his parents put forth the effort. He's too busy with his "own" family.

I have lived in Alabama my entire life... basically in the same city with a few exceptions of moving for a short time to the next city over. I have an older sister, Renee (34) who lives 5 minutes away. My family is pretty close but at the same time we fight like cats and dogs. I often tell folks that my mom and I have a "ya ya sisterhood" type relationship. My dad and I are way too much alike. We are both VERY stubborn. I've worked for my dad off and on over the years and I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've been fired but rehired the next day b/c he really needed my help :) But he's not the one to tell me that... he would have my mom call me and beg me to come back to work.... LOL. Things were a lot worse when I lived at home but since moving out its gotten much better. I think my dad's biggest problem is he doesn't have a say so in my life anymore and it absolutely kills him.

Growing up my parents were big time partiers. They had partys at the house all the time. Every night was margarita night. They drank with every meal. Not so much drunks but i was just around it all the time. They fought A LOT!!!! BIG FIGHTS TOO! My mom's 40th birthday was her wake up call. She had a huge party and the next morning people were passed out all over the house... it was trashed. I'm sure there was a lot more to it then i realized at the time but I know after that night things drastically changed for her. My dad soon followed. She started going to church and eventually we (my dad and I... my sister had already moved out by now) were forced to go with her.

I struggled with my relationship with God throughout my teenage years but finally my senior year I decided I couldn't run anymore. After graduating high school I entered a program called Master's Commission. I returned for a second year but after my second year I decided it was time to move on and get a job so I could support my daughter. Up until this time my parents pretty much did everything for Jessica. During the years proceeding MC's I strayed away from God but eventually found my way back after falling in love with my wonderful husband, Matthew. We've decided that we would raise our family in a Godly atmosphere and lead by example. We struggle but who doesn't.

After being married for only 5 months we were pregnant with Darcy. Since about half way through that pregnancy I have been a stay at home mom. Going from a 2 income family to a 1 income family has been our biggest obstacle but one that we've adapted pretty well to. During July of this year we discovered we were pregnant again... but with a even bigger surprise... it was TWINS!!! And twins DO NOT run in our families. We are expecting Jacob and Jeremiah sometime in late March or early April... who knows :) We are in the middle of trying to sale our house in order to pay off some debt and get ahead. So for the last 4 months we've been living in the basement at my inlaws. We have a lot of decisions to make ahead of us regarding what we should do but we're seeking God's wisdom and direction in everything.

okay for those of you who are still with me... thanks for taking the time to read my life history. now tell me yours!


dana said...

My life story, might take up some room, but you asked. I am 28, I have a sister 27 and a brother 23. I don't remember alot about growing up. We were very sheltered, raised in church, but it was more of a "christian costume" than a lifestyle. I graduated highschool in 1995 and struggled with what to do with my life. I went to my first and only year of Masters Commission in 97-98. I didn't go back for a second year because I resisted the program and anything to do with Alabama for the whole first year and by the time I realized I needed and wanted to be there it was too late. I stayed in Alabama for another few months and started dating a guy. Instead of being honest with him, I just moved back to Michigan. I was running from alot of things. When I got back to Michigan I was (and continue to be) miserable. I was in church, but was not in it with my heart. I met my now hubby at a party I should have never been at. I was raised so sheltered I had never done anything too bad. We started dating, moved in together, Jesse was born on our 2 yr anniversary. We got married when Jesse was 7 months old. I got pregnant with Emma, she was born in 2003. I started back at church at the end of last year but am still resistant. I know what I need to do, and how to do it but I feel stuck. I am lonely, I desperately miss Alabama and all the "friends" I had. I am trying, but am also frustrated. I want to raise my kids in church and I have to lead by example, so my journey continues. Thank you for letting me post this, I am crying writing this. There is so much more to say but.... anyway thats my life

Vickie said...

I really enjoyed reading your life story. Mine is too long and somewhat painful. I'll just say that I've gone from Egypt to Cannan! God is so Good!!

native-nc said...

Let's see, I am 27. Sis is 23. Bro-20 & Bro-14. So I am the oldest. I've attended church all my life & grew up "christian" but still struggle to keep it real with God. Oddly enough I'm a pastor's wife, so now you know-we ALL struggle! Growing up was interesting. My dad is Bipolar & my mom used to be a control freak. Relationships in my family have been strained but threw it all we remain a pretty close knit family. Which is great. I graduated hs in 97' & went to MC that fall. I stayed in Bama' for three years, married Sam in 2000 and we moved to Ohio to be in ministry. Almost two years later we moved to Florida. And in 2004 my son Justus was born. When J was 2 weeks old we moved here to NC. A year later joined staff at our present church. Sam became youth pastor. I stay at home with Justus. Many things have happened in the 5 years we have been married. God has allowed us to go through valleys. Sometimes I think we went there all on our own. He also has given us much joy and many good memories. Our next venture will be the birth of our second baby, sometime late summer. Around the end of July. I thank God for his mercy and grace cause without it I'd be neck high in you know what!!

Staci said...

I can't share on here-
I can say what Vickie says... I've gone from Egypt to Cannan! God is so Good!!

~Crystal~ said...

Girl, my life story is way too long to write on here. Maybe I'll do it on my blog. But thanks for sharing your.