Monday, January 02, 2006

OH... My New Years Eve

Well we were supposed to eat at Moe's and shot some fireworks here at the house with Heather and Michael but somehow we ended up going out. We met Carl Nicholason, Daniel Lowery and his wife, Kristen, AND their 2 weeks old baby girl, Danielle, (Carl and Daniel are both in the army) at Chili's on 280 (we were there after Crystal and Daniel). Afterwards we bought some fireworks and headed to Calera where Daniel's parents live. The guys started shooting each other with bottlerockets and I was not happy. Heather and I had raised the back door of the explorer and were watching with fear. They started getting a little closer than I was comfortable with... they were using my explorer as a shield!!!! I, Heather and Matthew had all told them several times to stay away from the car. Did they listen???? NO! A bottle rocket landed and then bounced out of my L A P!!! It ended up going off on the ground right in front of us... but before I knew it I was out of the car, on my tip toes and in Daniel's face screaming... I had to tell myself not to hit him... I really thought I was about to take his head off! He apologized over and over... I kinda felt bad but then again not really.... they got the message after that... well that was until Michael hit some girl in the face with a bottle rocket!!! She was sitting right in front of Heather and it bounced off her cheek... it was probably good that it hit her and not Heather or else Michael would have been in BIG trouble. We stayed there until about 12:30am and then headed home. ON THE WAY HOME.... I ran over a cat :( I didn't mean to, really I didn't. 2 cats (one black and the other gray) ran out in front of me... they made it the first time but then all the sudden the gray cat ran back infront of me... I hit him and felt him hit the front tire and the back tire... he was D E A D ! ! Sorry to any cat lovers... it wasn't my fault.

Once we got home Matt and I reflected over 2005 and then prayed for 2006. All and all its been a good year. We've definitely gotten closer to each other, to God and to our girls and we're looking forward to welcoming in Jacob and Jeremiah.

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