Monday, January 23, 2006

My Pet Peeves

um... I guess I should put a little more thought in this but I'm too tired to do so... here they are

1. I don't like it when there's dirty dishes in both sides of the sink!

2. I don't like it when folks give me advice on my children when they don't have children of their own... "well if it were my kids I would blah blah blah" like their way is so much better.

3. I'm pretty anal when I'm at the grocery store. I like things to go in my buggy a certain way and come out a certain way... same goes for when I'm unloading them at home.

4. I don't like for people to blow their nose around me.

5. I don't like comb overs.

6. I hate getting forwards or any other kind of junk email.

7. I hate it when someone says they'll call me RIGHT back and then 2 days later I here from em... I haven't moved from the phone :)

8. I hate it when someone is constantly complaining about being broke and in the same breath tell me where they went out to eat the night before or what they bought.

9. I hate it when I ask someone what they want to do or where they want to eat and they say "i don't care" but when I suggest something they say I don't like that or I don't wanna do that... OMG!

10. I hate it when I'm cooking and someone comes in and starts stirring whatever i'm cooking.

11. I hate it when I enter a place (restaurant, office, or retail place) and I'm ignored by the person thats supposed to greet me!

12. I hate when i go through a drive thru and the person taking my order doesn't repeat it back to me and when I ask them to they get mad.... most of the time its wrong!

13. I hate it when someone goes on and on about something that gets on their nerves :)

Well I thought since I was pregnant I could list a few more pet peeves.


dana said...

good ones, alot of those annoy me too.

prftpeace said...


I agree with a lot of those...they bother me, too.

native-nc said...

#7 gets on my nerves too..umm umm.

Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peves as a commuter to work...

1. people who walk right in front of me to get on the bus when I have been standing there before them - am I invisible?

2. people & their cell phones talking loud like everyone wants to hear their conversation. You just aren't that important!!! Don't make personal calls to just "Chat" while you are commuting!!!

Vickie said...

1. There's always dirty dishes in my sink.
2. You don't have to be a Mom to have some good advice.
4.Totally gross and especially when at the table or in a restaurant.
5. I agree!!Bald men are alot more sexy than men in denial with comb-overs.
6. I will not open a forward or junk mail.
7. Ditto!
8. I don't like people who cry "Poor Mouth" and spend like crazy either.
9. Ditto!
10. Me too. Don't come into my kitchen unless I ask for your help.
11.I had rather them ignore me than follow me around to try and make a sale.
12.They are all suppose to repeat the order.