Sunday, January 22, 2006

What a Weekend

Michael and Heather came down on Friday night. Matt, myself and the girls watched a movie friday night. We put all of our pillows in the floor (and the couch cushions) and had a ball. I had rented Pippi Longstockings from Netflix but didn't pay attention to which one I got. I had rented the really old one that was in German but had been voiced over in english... it was horrible and i was mad that I'd gotten the wrong one. But the girls didn't seem to mind. Yes, Darcy liked it too! She likes animals.

Saturday I got to sleep in... wait I do that every day! lol. Actually the power was out most of the morning Saturday. It had gone off and on throughout the night and was off when Matthew got up that morning. It didn't come back on until 12:30pm. We sat in the basement with just a little light coming through our ONE window and back door. After lunch we (matthew, me, mr. b, michael and heather) sat in the driveway and skinned wire. Let me explain... the leftover wire from matthew's job can be skint down to the copper and sold for around $1.50 a pound. He has spools and spools of it. We just have to skin it :(

Today we had planned on going to church but for whatever reason Matthew's alarm didn't go off. He woke up around 9am and by that time its too late to get 4 people ready and drive 15 minutes to church by 10am. I was really disappointed. We hadn't been to church since the weekend before Christmas. We've been out of town and then last weekend I was gone to the funeral. We ended up going skeet shooting with Michael and Heather.... Jessica came too. Heather and I just watched... Jessica shot the gun but didn't try to shoot the skeets. The entire Brock family ended up at Hunan's for Dinner and afterwards I rode with Heather to take Michael back to Huntsville. We just got home. On the way home we stopped at a gas station to potty and they had one of those quarter machines where you drop the quarter in and it pushes all the other quarters over the ledge.... I actually one on the 2nd try!!!!! Yep, $2.00! Then I said I was only going to use one quarter and put the rest in my pocket... well of course that didn't happen... we ended up putting it back into the machine and walked away with nothing. But it was fun :)

okay... well did you find my post interesting? hope so.... if not then i'm sorry i disappointed you.

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