Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I don't think she knew what she was gettting herself into when she said she'd go with me today... we just got home a little bit ago.... we left here this morning at 10am!

I didn't drink the full 30oz... I just couldn't do it. I drank maybe 20. I couldn't come up with $5 for valet parking and I knew the walk from the parking deck to the dr's office would be rough with a full bladder... it was rough with just 20 oz on it. We ended up circling the parking deck 2x looking for a parking space!!! Ended up signing in 15 minutes late! I was hoping they'd make me drink the icky stuff first and then send me for my ultrasound to help time pass but nah... that would be too logical.

Heather got to see the babies and ask all sorts of questions... it was fun just to see her get excited. Both are still breached! Jacob weights 3lbs 6ounces and Jeremiah is 3lbs 10 oucnes... They are measuring almost 31 weeks.... which is a good thing.

I asked my doctor what were the chances of me going into labor on my own between now and April the 3rd and he said 'pretty highly.' Neat O! With both girls I was induced so I didn't really experience the whole going into labor deal. I confessed to him that about once a week (lately) I have to talk myself out of calling the office claiming to be in labor. I know that I'll know when its time but sometimes I'm so anxious that I make myself believe its time... did anyone else do that??? lol.

I had a list of questions for him and he was patient enough to listen to them all. He's such a wonderful doctor! I'm really going to miss him after the babies are born. He's such a hoot to be around. He and I feed off of each other and we laugh through most visits. I asked him if he'd miss me when i was gone and he said he really would. If anyone needs a good OB or just a GYN I highly recommend Dr. Jon Adcock.

oh... heather didn't think he was mr. hotpants at all. I think its his personality that makes him that more attractive... DON'T GET ME WRONG... I'M NOT CRUSHING ON MY DOCTOR!!! I was not the one who gave him the nickname Hotpants... it was another friend that went with me during my pregnancy with Darcy. I'm happily married to the hottest of hotpants!


Staci said...

So why do they make you drink so much water?

Nicole said...

the last time i asked why i had to drink water they said its so they can look at my cervix... i dunno.