Monday, January 23, 2006

my novel

I posted this comment on Jamie's blog but decided I'd share it on my blog ----

I had an incident with my sister this past week. Matthew's been picking up Jessica from school b/c he gets home right at 3pm. Well she called me one day in a tizzy (as always) saying she had to run an errand and could I pick up zac... she said she would be about 10 minutes late... I told her that Matthew picks up Jessica but I'd call him and see if he could get them both (now mind you, he has to go through 2 pick up lines to get both of them b/c one is at the top and the other is at the bottom of the parking lot). Anyways i called matthew several times but couldn't reach him. finally i call my sister back and tell her that I can't get in touch with matthew so she might wanna just get him... she huffed really loud and said I CAN'T... i said well fine... when he gets here I'll send him back out! In the meantime matthew had gotten stuck in some traffic and didn't get Jessica until a little after 3... he walks in the door around 3:20 and I ask him to go back for zac... of course he's not happy but he does it anyways... well he gets to the school and they've already put him in afterschool care and matthew has to track him down... by the time he gets back with zac its close to 3:45... my sister arrives a little after 4pm... now she said she was running 10 minutes late... not a freakin HOUR... we had actually planned on running a few errands ourself that afternoon but had to postpone them b/c of zac. What frustrates me and Matthew IS... my sister knows what time school gets out so she needs to make sure she's got all of her stuff done so she can leave on time... she's really got to stop assuming I can get him. But she knows I have to get Jessica somehow so she doesn't hesitate in calling me.


~Crystal~ said...

Oh my gosh!!! I don't even really know your sister, but from your stories she drives me crazy. :)

dana said...

you have been tagged. I didn't put the rules on my blog, but basically it is the same thing, just type up 5 pet peeves, check out my site to see