Monday, January 30, 2006

Doctor's Appointment

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 10:30am... Heather is going with me. its going to be a long day. I have to drink my 30 ounces of water then wobble into the doctors office for a series of things... ultrasound, sugar test and exam. whoo hoo. can't wait! I'm just hoping I can drink the nasty stuff before I do my ultrasound b/c that in itself can take forever but b/c they'll have to test my blood throughout i'm not sure if it will happen like that. I'll probably be spending the whole day there while starving to death!!!!!! Poor Heather... I might better tell her to pack a lunch :) Speaking of Heather... pray for her... she's not feeling well. Its flu type junk... sore throat, stuffy head and achey muscles.

I pulled something in my back this evening... its really been hurting since around 5pm... I'm going to take one of my muscle relaxers (don't worry the doctor said they were okay!!!) and hope I can sleep. this is just one more thing to add to my list of discomforts :)

HOUSE UPDATE --- We've had a lot of showings since the beginning of the year... almost daily in fact! today we had someone really interested... so we'll see what happens. please continue to pray that we sale it soon (and for the right price). We need our own space - big time and i feel like its time to get out of our inlaws hair.


Jamie said...

That's exactly what I prayed over you and Matt when we prayed together at CLF. God's timing is perfect Nic! I know you know that... just wanted to throw it in again. The perfect buyers are right around the corner!

Staci said...

I can't believe they make you drink 30 ounces of water for an ultrasound! I couldn't do that- I wonder why they make you drink so much!!! I would not be a happy camper! Then to have to drink the orange drink too? Girl you are going to be floating. Let us know how the doctor's visit goes, and post a picture if you can!!!