Thursday, January 19, 2006

I've done it

I've registered at Walmart and Babies R Us... I really wasn't expecting a baby shower but Kelly Staggs (Tommy's wife) and Aimee Underwood are dead set on giving me one... which I'm very grateful but didn't know if I was really 'supposed' to have one since I had just had a baby shower for Darcy. I just don't want anyone saying "well this isn't her first" OR "she just had one" but oh well... I'm not going to worry about it.

I went to Babies R Us this past Saturday with Matthew and Darcy to register. There was a THREE HOUR wait so we left. I ended up doing it online. Aimee told me to register at Walmart too b/c Babies R Us is such a long drive for a lot of people and Walmart is on every corner. I tried to think of things I didn't have with Darcy that looking back might have helped. Also, I thought it would be okay if I didn't have 2 of everything (ie. swing or bouncy) that I could just rotate them around, but one mother of twins told me that both of her boys liked the bouncy but not the swing so she ended up buying another bouncy to keep them occupied. So I registered for double of some things. And I can always keep some stuff at my parents house. I'm still trying to figure out what type of stroller I want... i think Matt's family might buy that... his dad made mention of it a while back. At first I thought I would need a triple stroller but quickly realized I wouldn't be brave enough to leave the house alone with 3 small children. I'm gonna stick with a simple unbrella stroller for Darcy and the double one for the boys.... that way who ever is with me (jessica or matthew) they can push one and I'll push the other. My mom suggested that I just get 2 umbrella strollers for the boys and let Darcy walk but she's lost her mind!!!!! Darcy's not even 2 years old!!!!!!!

Okay... well i'm gonna try and lay down... i haven't been sleeping so good lately. My tummy has been hard as a rock! And the pressure/muscles down there are killing me!


Jamie said...

With Bryant I was the same way about a baby shower. Someone actually threw me a surprise essentials shower. I got a ton of diapers and wipes and stuff. It was great!

dana said...

That was the same way with Emma, I didn't expect a shower, but it was nice cuz we had it after she was born. We didn't find out she was a she till after she was born, so at the shower I got diapers and lots of girl clothes. I am going to check the registry. take care.

native-nc said...

See, we all agree. There are some things that you will need for this second dose of babies! I'm glad Amiee(sp) and Kelly talked you into it!