Monday, January 02, 2006


okay... so if you have a weak stomach when it comes to food then maybe you shouldn't read it... or maybe its not as bad as I think but just being pregnant makes it that much worse!

We had Steak Fajitas tonight... Grandmaw cannot chew the steak but did that stop her from trying.... NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Here's the setup... I sit at one end of the table and grandmaw sits to the right of me. I sit down to eat my fajita that I've stuffed with all the good stuff... yummy... can't wait to dig in. Just as I'm taking my first bite I hear and see grandmaw... she has taken a bite of the steak, chewed on it... SPIT IT OUT... AND THEN CHEWS ON IT AGAIN... she continues to repeat this process on the SAME piece of meat several times before its soft enough for her to swallow! All the while doing this making the nastiest noises ever!!!! Thats all it took for me... I barely made it though my first fajita and had to give the other one i had made to matthew.

Am I silly or would this have bothered you????


native-nc said...

Doesn't sound appealing at all. Next time dine al la carte downstairs. Oh well if others think thats rude!

dana said...

did that stop her from trying? that was too funny, I lost it. That is rude and no I would have gotten grossed out too. you are alot more tolerant than I would be living with my in-laws. Stay strong and we will all pray it ends soon.

Vickie said...

I would have excused myself, took my plate and exited the room.