The other day for some reason the dishes in the dishwasher weren't getting cleaned all the way. Heather, Mrs. B and myself were in the kitchen discussing how we've all three pulled out things in the cabinet and they've been dirty... well grandmaw from the other room (she hears everything... no secrets in the brock house!) starts in how she washed them (but i can't even begin to tell you how she pronounces 'wash' its more like worsh)... we tried to explain to grandmaw that we know she put them in the dishwasher but the dishwasher isn't washing them very well... but seeing as how she can't see we don't expect her to know this... well then she says "but I feel em first!" Great... now i got this mental picture of grandmaw pawing all the dishes before putting them up!
I could go on and on about grandmaw and the dishes but i won't... okay since you're dying for me to go on i will. hehehehe but before i do let me explain that grandmaw does the dishes b/c she wants to... she thinks its her way to earn her keep or something... but if you decided to do them yourself... beware!
She doesn't turn on the dishwasher until its FULL... I don't mean full I mean F U L L! And it drives me (and everyone else) crazy! Who cares if all of the forks (cups or anything else you really need) are in the dishwasher waiting to be turned on... if there's still a inch of room she's not going to turn it on! And if you turn it on... OH NO... you can hear her in the other room grunt! She's like the dishwasher Nazi! I've almost found myself turning it on just for fun :)
okay... i'll lay off grandmaw now - good night!

LOL! I think it might have just been the descriptive way you told the story, but grandma peeking around the corners TOTALLY creeped me out!! LOL!
Glad you posted her picture! I wanted to see what she looked like from the first g'maw story!
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