4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Darcy's sick
yeah... I went with Matthew to get his haircut and Heather watched the girls. As soon as we walked in the house we were told by 3 different people she was sick. I felt her and sure enough she was running a fever. Of course, its b/c she's teething... NO ITS NOT REALLY!! They don't run high fevers when they're teething! And if i hear someone else say "she's teething" I'm going to knock their teeth out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We took her temperature in her little booty and it was 102.9! I called Nurse Standifer (jessica's grandmother) and she told me what to do. Its come down to 101.5 in the last 2 hours. I have to wake her up at 11pm for tylenol and again at 1am for motrin. Hopefully she'll be fine in the morning. I don't like sick babies... its such a horrible feeling when you can't help them b/c they can't tell you whats hurting. So far its just a fever... no pulling on her ears, throwing up or diarrhea. i'll update tomorrow.
oh... And
as far as my sugar level... well I failed! I have to call back on Thursday and see if they want me to go in for the dreaded THREE hour test! Yippee!
I don't think she knew what she was gettting herself into when she said she'd go with me today... we just got home a little bit ago.... we left here this morning at 10am!
I didn't drink the full 30oz... I just couldn't do it. I drank maybe 20. I couldn't come up with $5 for valet parking and I knew the walk from the parking deck to the dr's office would be rough with a full bladder... it was rough with just 20 oz on it. We ended up circling the parking deck 2x looking for a parking space!!! Ended up signing in 15 minutes late! I was hoping they'd make me drink the icky stuff first and then send me for my ultrasound to help time pass but nah... that would be too logical.
Heather got to see the babies and ask all sorts of questions... it was fun just to see her get excited. Both are still breached! Jacob weights 3lbs 6ounces and Jeremiah is 3lbs 10 oucnes... They are measuring almost 31 weeks.... which is a good thing.
I asked my doctor what were the chances of me going into labor on my own between now and April the 3rd and he said 'pretty highly.' Neat O! With both girls I was induced so I didn't really experience the whole going into labor deal. I confessed to him that about once a week (lately) I have to talk myself out of calling the office claiming to be in labor. I know that I'll know when its time but sometimes I'm so anxious that I make myself believe its time... did anyone else do that??? lol.
I had a list of questions for him and he was patient enough to listen to them all. He's such a wonderful doctor! I'm really going to miss him after the babies are born. He's such a hoot to be around. He and I feed off of each other and we laugh through most visits. I asked him if he'd miss me when i was gone and he said he really would. If anyone needs a good OB or just a GYN I highly recommend Dr. Jon Adcock.
oh... heather didn't think he was mr. hotpants at all. I think its his personality that makes him that more attractive... DON'T GET ME WRONG... I'M NOT CRUSHING ON MY DOCTOR!!! I was not the one who gave him the nickname Hotpants... it was another friend that went with me during my pregnancy with Darcy. I'm happily married to the hottest of hotpants!
I didn't drink the full 30oz... I just couldn't do it. I drank maybe 20. I couldn't come up with $5 for valet parking and I knew the walk from the parking deck to the dr's office would be rough with a full bladder... it was rough with just 20 oz on it. We ended up circling the parking deck 2x looking for a parking space!!! Ended up signing in 15 minutes late! I was hoping they'd make me drink the icky stuff first and then send me for my ultrasound to help time pass but nah... that would be too logical.
Heather got to see the babies and ask all sorts of questions... it was fun just to see her get excited. Both are still breached! Jacob weights 3lbs 6ounces and Jeremiah is 3lbs 10 oucnes... They are measuring almost 31 weeks.... which is a good thing.
I asked my doctor what were the chances of me going into labor on my own between now and April the 3rd and he said 'pretty highly.' Neat O! With both girls I was induced so I didn't really experience the whole going into labor deal. I confessed to him that about once a week (lately) I have to talk myself out of calling the office claiming to be in labor. I know that I'll know when its time but sometimes I'm so anxious that I make myself believe its time... did anyone else do that??? lol.
I had a list of questions for him and he was patient enough to listen to them all. He's such a wonderful doctor! I'm really going to miss him after the babies are born. He's such a hoot to be around. He and I feed off of each other and we laugh through most visits. I asked him if he'd miss me when i was gone and he said he really would. If anyone needs a good OB or just a GYN I highly recommend Dr. Jon Adcock.
oh... heather didn't think he was mr. hotpants at all. I think its his personality that makes him that more attractive... DON'T GET ME WRONG... I'M NOT CRUSHING ON MY DOCTOR!!! I was not the one who gave him the nickname Hotpants... it was another friend that went with me during my pregnancy with Darcy. I'm happily married to the hottest of hotpants!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Another Grandmaw Story
Alrighty, so i'm in the kitchen this evening getting dinner ready. I'm standing at the kitchen sink washing chicken and I guess I'd been using too much water or something - who knows - I catch of glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye and there's grandmaw peeking around the side of the doorway watching me!!!!! But as soon as I turn around she slowly backs out of the kitchen like she's trying not to be seen. urg!!!!!!!!!
After that... I'm cleaning up my mess and get a little carried away... i end up wiping down everything in the kitchen (i'm not sure if this is considering nesting or what)... by this time my hubby and mr. brock have both gotten home and after hearing me grunt they've decided to silently join me in scrubbing down the counters and the stove (lol) and guess who's in the doorway the entire time peeking in... GRANDMAW!!!
The other day for some reason the dishes in the dishwasher weren't getting cleaned all the way. Heather, Mrs. B and myself were in the kitchen discussing how we've all three pulled out things in the cabinet and they've been dirty... well grandmaw from the other room (she hears everything... no secrets in the brock house!) starts in how she washed them (but i can't even begin to tell you how she pronounces 'wash' its more like worsh)... we tried to explain to grandmaw that we know she put them in the dishwasher but the dishwasher isn't washing them very well... but seeing as how she can't see we don't expect her to know this... well then she says "but I feel em first!" Great... now i got this mental picture of grandmaw pawing all the dishes before putting them up!
I could go on and on about grandmaw and the dishes but i won't... okay since you're dying for me to go on i will. hehehehe but before i do let me explain that grandmaw does the dishes b/c she wants to... she thinks its her way to earn her keep or something... but if you decided to do them yourself... beware!
She doesn't turn on the dishwasher until its FULL... I don't mean full I mean F U L L! And it drives me (and everyone else) crazy! Who cares if all of the forks (cups or anything else you really need) are in the dishwasher waiting to be turned on... if there's still a inch of room she's not going to turn it on! And if you turn it on... OH NO... you can hear her in the other room grunt! She's like the dishwasher Nazi! I've almost found myself turning it on just for fun :)
okay... i'll lay off grandmaw now - good night!

The other day for some reason the dishes in the dishwasher weren't getting cleaned all the way. Heather, Mrs. B and myself were in the kitchen discussing how we've all three pulled out things in the cabinet and they've been dirty... well grandmaw from the other room (she hears everything... no secrets in the brock house!) starts in how she washed them (but i can't even begin to tell you how she pronounces 'wash' its more like worsh)... we tried to explain to grandmaw that we know she put them in the dishwasher but the dishwasher isn't washing them very well... but seeing as how she can't see we don't expect her to know this... well then she says "but I feel em first!" Great... now i got this mental picture of grandmaw pawing all the dishes before putting them up!
I could go on and on about grandmaw and the dishes but i won't... okay since you're dying for me to go on i will. hehehehe but before i do let me explain that grandmaw does the dishes b/c she wants to... she thinks its her way to earn her keep or something... but if you decided to do them yourself... beware!
She doesn't turn on the dishwasher until its FULL... I don't mean full I mean F U L L! And it drives me (and everyone else) crazy! Who cares if all of the forks (cups or anything else you really need) are in the dishwasher waiting to be turned on... if there's still a inch of room she's not going to turn it on! And if you turn it on... OH NO... you can hear her in the other room grunt! She's like the dishwasher Nazi! I've almost found myself turning it on just for fun :)
okay... i'll lay off grandmaw now - good night!

Doctor's Appointment
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 10:30am... Heather is going with me. its going to be a long day. I have to drink my 30 ounces of water then wobble into the doctors office for a series of things... ultrasound, sugar test and exam. whoo hoo. can't wait! I'm just hoping I can drink the nasty stuff before I do my ultrasound b/c that in itself can take forever but b/c they'll have to test my blood throughout i'm not sure if it will happen like that. I'll probably be spending the whole day there while starving to death!!!!!! Poor Heather... I might better tell her to pack a lunch :) Speaking of Heather... pray for her... she's not feeling well. Its flu type junk... sore throat, stuffy head and achey muscles.
I pulled something in my back this evening... its really been hurting since around 5pm... I'm going to take one of my muscle relaxers (don't worry the doctor said they were okay!!!) and hope I can sleep. this is just one more thing to add to my list of discomforts :)
HOUSE UPDATE --- We've had a lot of showings since the beginning of the year... almost daily in fact! today we had someone really interested... so we'll see what happens. please continue to pray that we sale it soon (and for the right price). We need our own space - big time and i feel like its time to get out of our inlaws hair.
I pulled something in my back this evening... its really been hurting since around 5pm... I'm going to take one of my muscle relaxers (don't worry the doctor said they were okay!!!) and hope I can sleep. this is just one more thing to add to my list of discomforts :)
HOUSE UPDATE --- We've had a lot of showings since the beginning of the year... almost daily in fact! today we had someone really interested... so we'll see what happens. please continue to pray that we sale it soon (and for the right price). We need our own space - big time and i feel like its time to get out of our inlaws hair.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
She found my blog through Stackie's... whoo hoo! So she spent most of the night catching up on all the stuff I had written... her xanga entry was directed towards me and my lack of willingness to return favors for my sister... go figure! So once again I'm the bad one b/c apparently my sister does so much for me and I should jump at every opportunity to repay her. Yes, I have a wonderful sister... but I really don't ask her to do anything for me... she calls me and ask if the girls can go over to her house but mainly its to keep Zac busy. I very rarely ask her to watch them. My frustration comes when she assumes since i'm a stay at home mom that I'm free to always pick him up from school.... and she says she's on her way just running a few minutes behind... then shows up an hour and half later... thats just not being very considerate... and no she doesn't call to let me know.
anyways... I explained to my mom that I created this blog for my FRIENDS!!! And that the last people I wanted to find my blog were my family members... I'm not gossiping about my family but yes I do vent to them over phone conversations about things I'm going through... this site was created so I wouldn't have to repeat myself over and over again... why do i need to tell my friends about family junk... b/c they're my friends and they most of the time give me good advice about dealing with things. For those of you who've stumbled on my blog and don't know me... I'm glad you're here too b/c seem to help each other out by realizing we're not alone in our struggles.
Off the soap box!
anyways... I explained to my mom that I created this blog for my FRIENDS!!! And that the last people I wanted to find my blog were my family members... I'm not gossiping about my family but yes I do vent to them over phone conversations about things I'm going through... this site was created so I wouldn't have to repeat myself over and over again... why do i need to tell my friends about family junk... b/c they're my friends and they most of the time give me good advice about dealing with things. For those of you who've stumbled on my blog and don't know me... I'm glad you're here too b/c seem to help each other out by realizing we're not alone in our struggles.
Off the soap box!
Friday, January 27, 2006
H & R Block SUCKS
don't bother going to their offices!!! I'm so disgusted with their services I can't even see straight! here's a short version of the story
last year i did my taxes online through their website... easy as pie... it cost me somewhere around $20. Yesterday I call their officeIn alabaster and ask if I needed the info from last years tax preparation to complete this years b/c I had lost it. the lady i spoke with said no. i told her i had done the estimated refund on the website and asked how accurate it was... she said very accurate but if i came in the office then they could probably get us back more. I asked her how much it would cost and she said $49... i said well for $49 it might be worth it if you can get us back more. So after talking to this lady and asking all the questions I made an appointment (3 phone calls later).
Last night we walked into the office and met with the preparer... not the same lady i spoke to. Once everything was done and we were signing our names the lady surprises me with the fees. It was over $350 in fees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of which had been told to us prior to finishing our taxes. I was furious and she knew it. she apologized but at no point told us that it wasn't too late to back out. I even made comments like "i could have done this on your website for $20 and still gotten the same amount back" or "I would have never have come here had I known up front these fees." She let us believe there was nothing that could be done.
today I got the phone call letting me know our check was ready to be picked up. i asked to speak with the manager. The manager was no help. She interrupted me every 2 seconds. All she offered to do was talk the lady who misinformed me. I told her that I felt like she should make it right and only charge me the $49 I was quoted. She said she didn't know if she could do that and she's have to call the district manager and get back to me.
since that phone call i've called the 800 # from the website and filed a complaint. I'm waiting to hear back from someone - anyone!
sorry if i rambled but I'm so stinking pissed right now... i just wanted to share this with you all so the same thing doesn't happen to you.
last year i did my taxes online through their website... easy as pie... it cost me somewhere around $20. Yesterday I call their officeIn alabaster and ask if I needed the info from last years tax preparation to complete this years b/c I had lost it. the lady i spoke with said no. i told her i had done the estimated refund on the website and asked how accurate it was... she said very accurate but if i came in the office then they could probably get us back more. I asked her how much it would cost and she said $49... i said well for $49 it might be worth it if you can get us back more. So after talking to this lady and asking all the questions I made an appointment (3 phone calls later).
Last night we walked into the office and met with the preparer... not the same lady i spoke to. Once everything was done and we were signing our names the lady surprises me with the fees. It was over $350 in fees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of which had been told to us prior to finishing our taxes. I was furious and she knew it. she apologized but at no point told us that it wasn't too late to back out. I even made comments like "i could have done this on your website for $20 and still gotten the same amount back" or "I would have never have come here had I known up front these fees." She let us believe there was nothing that could be done.
today I got the phone call letting me know our check was ready to be picked up. i asked to speak with the manager. The manager was no help. She interrupted me every 2 seconds. All she offered to do was talk the lady who misinformed me. I told her that I felt like she should make it right and only charge me the $49 I was quoted. She said she didn't know if she could do that and she's have to call the district manager and get back to me.
since that phone call i've called the 800 # from the website and filed a complaint. I'm waiting to hear back from someone - anyone!
sorry if i rambled but I'm so stinking pissed right now... i just wanted to share this with you all so the same thing doesn't happen to you.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
A little bit about ME!
I'm 26 and the mother of 2 girls, Jessica (10) & Darcy (14months). I have the BEST husband in the whole world... don't even bother argueing with me on that one :) We've been married 2 years this past September. We've been together for 6 years in March. He's my soulmate... no doubt about it.
My daughter Jessica was born a month before my 16th birthday. Her father and I didn't stay together much longer after she was born. He still has some contact with her today but mainly his parents put forth the effort. He's too busy with his "own" family.
I have lived in Alabama my entire life... basically in the same city with a few exceptions of moving for a short time to the next city over. I have an older sister, Renee (34) who lives 5 minutes away. My family is pretty close but at the same time we fight like cats and dogs. I often tell folks that my mom and I have a "ya ya sisterhood" type relationship. My dad and I are way too much alike. We are both VERY stubborn. I've worked for my dad off and on over the years and I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've been fired but rehired the next day b/c he really needed my help :) But he's not the one to tell me that... he would have my mom call me and beg me to come back to work.... LOL. Things were a lot worse when I lived at home but since moving out its gotten much better. I think my dad's biggest problem is he doesn't have a say so in my life anymore and it absolutely kills him.
Growing up my parents were big time partiers. They had partys at the house all the time. Every night was margarita night. They drank with every meal. Not so much drunks but i was just around it all the time. They fought A LOT!!!! BIG FIGHTS TOO! My mom's 40th birthday was her wake up call. She had a huge party and the next morning people were passed out all over the house... it was trashed. I'm sure there was a lot more to it then i realized at the time but I know after that night things drastically changed for her. My dad soon followed. She started going to church and eventually we (my dad and I... my sister had already moved out by now) were forced to go with her.
I struggled with my relationship with God throughout my teenage years but finally my senior year I decided I couldn't run anymore. After graduating high school I entered a program called Master's Commission. I returned for a second year but after my second year I decided it was time to move on and get a job so I could support my daughter. Up until this time my parents pretty much did everything for Jessica. During the years proceeding MC's I strayed away from God but eventually found my way back after falling in love with my wonderful husband, Matthew. We've decided that we would raise our family in a Godly atmosphere and lead by example. We struggle but who doesn't.
After being married for only 5 months we were pregnant with Darcy. Since about half way through that pregnancy I have been a stay at home mom. Going from a 2 income family to a 1 income family has been our biggest obstacle but one that we've adapted pretty well to. During July of this year we discovered we were pregnant again... but with a even bigger surprise... it was TWINS!!! And twins DO NOT run in our families. We are expecting Jacob and Jeremiah sometime in late March or early April... who knows :) We are in the middle of trying to sale our house in order to pay off some debt and get ahead. So for the last 4 months we've been living in the basement at my inlaws. We have a lot of decisions to make ahead of us regarding what we should do but we're seeking God's wisdom and direction in everything.
okay for those of you who are still with me... thanks for taking the time to read my life history. now tell me yours!
My daughter Jessica was born a month before my 16th birthday. Her father and I didn't stay together much longer after she was born. He still has some contact with her today but mainly his parents put forth the effort. He's too busy with his "own" family.
I have lived in Alabama my entire life... basically in the same city with a few exceptions of moving for a short time to the next city over. I have an older sister, Renee (34) who lives 5 minutes away. My family is pretty close but at the same time we fight like cats and dogs. I often tell folks that my mom and I have a "ya ya sisterhood" type relationship. My dad and I are way too much alike. We are both VERY stubborn. I've worked for my dad off and on over the years and I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've been fired but rehired the next day b/c he really needed my help :) But he's not the one to tell me that... he would have my mom call me and beg me to come back to work.... LOL. Things were a lot worse when I lived at home but since moving out its gotten much better. I think my dad's biggest problem is he doesn't have a say so in my life anymore and it absolutely kills him.
Growing up my parents were big time partiers. They had partys at the house all the time. Every night was margarita night. They drank with every meal. Not so much drunks but i was just around it all the time. They fought A LOT!!!! BIG FIGHTS TOO! My mom's 40th birthday was her wake up call. She had a huge party and the next morning people were passed out all over the house... it was trashed. I'm sure there was a lot more to it then i realized at the time but I know after that night things drastically changed for her. My dad soon followed. She started going to church and eventually we (my dad and I... my sister had already moved out by now) were forced to go with her.
I struggled with my relationship with God throughout my teenage years but finally my senior year I decided I couldn't run anymore. After graduating high school I entered a program called Master's Commission. I returned for a second year but after my second year I decided it was time to move on and get a job so I could support my daughter. Up until this time my parents pretty much did everything for Jessica. During the years proceeding MC's I strayed away from God but eventually found my way back after falling in love with my wonderful husband, Matthew. We've decided that we would raise our family in a Godly atmosphere and lead by example. We struggle but who doesn't.
After being married for only 5 months we were pregnant with Darcy. Since about half way through that pregnancy I have been a stay at home mom. Going from a 2 income family to a 1 income family has been our biggest obstacle but one that we've adapted pretty well to. During July of this year we discovered we were pregnant again... but with a even bigger surprise... it was TWINS!!! And twins DO NOT run in our families. We are expecting Jacob and Jeremiah sometime in late March or early April... who knows :) We are in the middle of trying to sale our house in order to pay off some debt and get ahead. So for the last 4 months we've been living in the basement at my inlaws. We have a lot of decisions to make ahead of us regarding what we should do but we're seeking God's wisdom and direction in everything.
okay for those of you who are still with me... thanks for taking the time to read my life history. now tell me yours!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Mystery Solved!
All day yesterday I was trying to figure out who's Beth. I kept telling myself that I was going to look like an idiot if I asked her and i've known her forever. Turns out I don't know her... but would love the opportunity to get to know her.
Its funny how this blog/xanga thing has brought so many people together... old friends and even new ones. It's been an encouraging thing to me. For some reason its easier to let it all out here. And its refreshing to have someone reaffirm your feelings or encourage you. A lot of us have so many things in common we would have never known if it weren't for these 'outlets.' I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read AND COMMENT on my blog. And for those of you who read without commenting... well maybe it some way I'm helping you deal with something in your own life.... Or you could just be reading to keep up with the goods on me :) Either way its cool with me. Just know I'm human... and i say things on here that I feel at the certain moment. Some things may be harsh or distasteful but I'm just being honest. I've said some things here that I wish I would have kept to myself but thats okay too. For those of you who know me and know me well... then you know i have a hard time biting my tongue :) And more times than not I end up eating my FOOT!!!!
anways... hubby's out of the shower and its movie time.
Its funny how this blog/xanga thing has brought so many people together... old friends and even new ones. It's been an encouraging thing to me. For some reason its easier to let it all out here. And its refreshing to have someone reaffirm your feelings or encourage you. A lot of us have so many things in common we would have never known if it weren't for these 'outlets.' I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read AND COMMENT on my blog. And for those of you who read without commenting... well maybe it some way I'm helping you deal with something in your own life.... Or you could just be reading to keep up with the goods on me :) Either way its cool with me. Just know I'm human... and i say things on here that I feel at the certain moment. Some things may be harsh or distasteful but I'm just being honest. I've said some things here that I wish I would have kept to myself but thats okay too. For those of you who know me and know me well... then you know i have a hard time biting my tongue :) And more times than not I end up eating my FOOT!!!!
anways... hubby's out of the shower and its movie time.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
HEY BETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay so i've tried to figure out all day who you are... I can't leave a comment on your blog so this is the only thing i could think of.
Am I going to feel like an idiot when you tell me who you are?? Do I know you? You seem to have other's linked to your blog that I know but I haven't got a clue... please tell me... who are you?
And if anyone else knows please tell me... its driving me crazy.
don't get me wrong I don't mind the comment and if I don't know you thats fine too... but i'm driving myself crazy trying to think of every beth i know!
Beth's Blog
Am I going to feel like an idiot when you tell me who you are?? Do I know you? You seem to have other's linked to your blog that I know but I haven't got a clue... please tell me... who are you?
And if anyone else knows please tell me... its driving me crazy.
don't get me wrong I don't mind the comment and if I don't know you thats fine too... but i'm driving myself crazy trying to think of every beth i know!
Beth's Blog
I've gotta joke to tell but i'm giving you plenty of time to back out now... its offensive but extremely funny... especially since my husband is the one who told me... and if you know my hubby then you know he's very conservative which makes this joke even that much more funny.
here it goes
last chance...
a beautiful blonde walks into the dry cleaners and put her blouse on the counter. the man has his back to her as she tells him she needs this back by tomorrow... he turns around b/c he couldn't hear her and says "come again?" and she replies "no, mustard this time." LOL
yeah... my hubby told me that joke!!!!!!!
here it goes
last chance...
a beautiful blonde walks into the dry cleaners and put her blouse on the counter. the man has his back to her as she tells him she needs this back by tomorrow... he turns around b/c he couldn't hear her and says "come again?" and she replies "no, mustard this time." LOL
yeah... my hubby told me that joke!!!!!!!
Monday, January 23, 2006
I forgot to tag five people. I tag Heather, Michael Brock, Amy Brock, Tiffany (i can't remember if you've already been tagged or not) and Jamie.
My Pet Peeves
um... I guess I should put a little more thought in this but I'm too tired to do so... here they are
1. I don't like it when there's dirty dishes in both sides of the sink!
2. I don't like it when folks give me advice on my children when they don't have children of their own... "well if it were my kids I would blah blah blah" like their way is so much better.
3. I'm pretty anal when I'm at the grocery store. I like things to go in my buggy a certain way and come out a certain way... same goes for when I'm unloading them at home.
4. I don't like for people to blow their nose around me.
5. I don't like comb overs.
6. I hate getting forwards or any other kind of junk email.
7. I hate it when someone says they'll call me RIGHT back and then 2 days later I here from em... I haven't moved from the phone :)
8. I hate it when someone is constantly complaining about being broke and in the same breath tell me where they went out to eat the night before or what they bought.
9. I hate it when I ask someone what they want to do or where they want to eat and they say "i don't care" but when I suggest something they say I don't like that or I don't wanna do that... OMG!
10. I hate it when I'm cooking and someone comes in and starts stirring whatever i'm cooking.
11. I hate it when I enter a place (restaurant, office, or retail place) and I'm ignored by the person thats supposed to greet me!
12. I hate when i go through a drive thru and the person taking my order doesn't repeat it back to me and when I ask them to they get mad.... most of the time its wrong!
13. I hate it when someone goes on and on about something that gets on their nerves :)
Well I thought since I was pregnant I could list a few more pet peeves.
1. I don't like it when there's dirty dishes in both sides of the sink!
2. I don't like it when folks give me advice on my children when they don't have children of their own... "well if it were my kids I would blah blah blah" like their way is so much better.
3. I'm pretty anal when I'm at the grocery store. I like things to go in my buggy a certain way and come out a certain way... same goes for when I'm unloading them at home.
4. I don't like for people to blow their nose around me.
5. I don't like comb overs.
6. I hate getting forwards or any other kind of junk email.
7. I hate it when someone says they'll call me RIGHT back and then 2 days later I here from em... I haven't moved from the phone :)
8. I hate it when someone is constantly complaining about being broke and in the same breath tell me where they went out to eat the night before or what they bought.
9. I hate it when I ask someone what they want to do or where they want to eat and they say "i don't care" but when I suggest something they say I don't like that or I don't wanna do that... OMG!
10. I hate it when I'm cooking and someone comes in and starts stirring whatever i'm cooking.
11. I hate it when I enter a place (restaurant, office, or retail place) and I'm ignored by the person thats supposed to greet me!
12. I hate when i go through a drive thru and the person taking my order doesn't repeat it back to me and when I ask them to they get mad.... most of the time its wrong!
13. I hate it when someone goes on and on about something that gets on their nerves :)
Well I thought since I was pregnant I could list a few more pet peeves.
my novel
I posted this comment on Jamie's blog but decided I'd share it on my blog ----
I had an incident with my sister this past week. Matthew's been picking up Jessica from school b/c he gets home right at 3pm. Well she called me one day in a tizzy (as always) saying she had to run an errand and could I pick up zac... she said she would be about 10 minutes late... I told her that Matthew picks up Jessica but I'd call him and see if he could get them both (now mind you, he has to go through 2 pick up lines to get both of them b/c one is at the top and the other is at the bottom of the parking lot). Anyways i called matthew several times but couldn't reach him. finally i call my sister back and tell her that I can't get in touch with matthew so she might wanna just get him... she huffed really loud and said I CAN'T... i said well fine... when he gets here I'll send him back out! In the meantime matthew had gotten stuck in some traffic and didn't get Jessica until a little after 3... he walks in the door around 3:20 and I ask him to go back for zac... of course he's not happy but he does it anyways... well he gets to the school and they've already put him in afterschool care and matthew has to track him down... by the time he gets back with zac its close to 3:45... my sister arrives a little after 4pm... now she said she was running 10 minutes late... not a freakin HOUR... we had actually planned on running a few errands ourself that afternoon but had to postpone them b/c of zac. What frustrates me and Matthew IS... my sister knows what time school gets out so she needs to make sure she's got all of her stuff done so she can leave on time... she's really got to stop assuming I can get him. But she knows I have to get Jessica somehow so she doesn't hesitate in calling me.
I had an incident with my sister this past week. Matthew's been picking up Jessica from school b/c he gets home right at 3pm. Well she called me one day in a tizzy (as always) saying she had to run an errand and could I pick up zac... she said she would be about 10 minutes late... I told her that Matthew picks up Jessica but I'd call him and see if he could get them both (now mind you, he has to go through 2 pick up lines to get both of them b/c one is at the top and the other is at the bottom of the parking lot). Anyways i called matthew several times but couldn't reach him. finally i call my sister back and tell her that I can't get in touch with matthew so she might wanna just get him... she huffed really loud and said I CAN'T... i said well fine... when he gets here I'll send him back out! In the meantime matthew had gotten stuck in some traffic and didn't get Jessica until a little after 3... he walks in the door around 3:20 and I ask him to go back for zac... of course he's not happy but he does it anyways... well he gets to the school and they've already put him in afterschool care and matthew has to track him down... by the time he gets back with zac its close to 3:45... my sister arrives a little after 4pm... now she said she was running 10 minutes late... not a freakin HOUR... we had actually planned on running a few errands ourself that afternoon but had to postpone them b/c of zac. What frustrates me and Matthew IS... my sister knows what time school gets out so she needs to make sure she's got all of her stuff done so she can leave on time... she's really got to stop assuming I can get him. But she knows I have to get Jessica somehow so she doesn't hesitate in calling me.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
What a Weekend
Michael and Heather came down on Friday night. Matt, myself and the girls watched a movie friday night. We put all of our pillows in the floor (and the couch cushions) and had a ball. I had rented Pippi Longstockings from Netflix but didn't pay attention to which one I got. I had rented the really old one that was in German but had been voiced over in english... it was horrible and i was mad that I'd gotten the wrong one. But the girls didn't seem to mind. Yes, Darcy liked it too! She likes animals.
Saturday I got to sleep in... wait I do that every day! lol. Actually the power was out most of the morning Saturday. It had gone off and on throughout the night and was off when Matthew got up that morning. It didn't come back on until 12:30pm. We sat in the basement with just a little light coming through our ONE window and back door. After lunch we (matthew, me, mr. b, michael and heather) sat in the driveway and skinned wire. Let me explain... the leftover wire from matthew's job can be skint down to the copper and sold for around $1.50 a pound. He has spools and spools of it. We just have to skin it :(
Today we had planned on going to church but for whatever reason Matthew's alarm didn't go off. He woke up around 9am and by that time its too late to get 4 people ready and drive 15 minutes to church by 10am. I was really disappointed. We hadn't been to church since the weekend before Christmas. We've been out of town and then last weekend I was gone to the funeral. We ended up going skeet shooting with Michael and Heather.... Jessica came too. Heather and I just watched... Jessica shot the gun but didn't try to shoot the skeets. The entire Brock family ended up at Hunan's for Dinner and afterwards I rode with Heather to take Michael back to Huntsville. We just got home. On the way home we stopped at a gas station to potty and they had one of those quarter machines where you drop the quarter in and it pushes all the other quarters over the ledge.... I actually one on the 2nd try!!!!! Yep, $2.00! Then I said I was only going to use one quarter and put the rest in my pocket... well of course that didn't happen... we ended up putting it back into the machine and walked away with nothing. But it was fun :)
okay... well did you find my post interesting? hope so.... if not then i'm sorry i disappointed you.
Saturday I got to sleep in... wait I do that every day! lol. Actually the power was out most of the morning Saturday. It had gone off and on throughout the night and was off when Matthew got up that morning. It didn't come back on until 12:30pm. We sat in the basement with just a little light coming through our ONE window and back door. After lunch we (matthew, me, mr. b, michael and heather) sat in the driveway and skinned wire. Let me explain... the leftover wire from matthew's job can be skint down to the copper and sold for around $1.50 a pound. He has spools and spools of it. We just have to skin it :(
Today we had planned on going to church but for whatever reason Matthew's alarm didn't go off. He woke up around 9am and by that time its too late to get 4 people ready and drive 15 minutes to church by 10am. I was really disappointed. We hadn't been to church since the weekend before Christmas. We've been out of town and then last weekend I was gone to the funeral. We ended up going skeet shooting with Michael and Heather.... Jessica came too. Heather and I just watched... Jessica shot the gun but didn't try to shoot the skeets. The entire Brock family ended up at Hunan's for Dinner and afterwards I rode with Heather to take Michael back to Huntsville. We just got home. On the way home we stopped at a gas station to potty and they had one of those quarter machines where you drop the quarter in and it pushes all the other quarters over the ledge.... I actually one on the 2nd try!!!!! Yep, $2.00! Then I said I was only going to use one quarter and put the rest in my pocket... well of course that didn't happen... we ended up putting it back into the machine and walked away with nothing. But it was fun :)
okay... well did you find my post interesting? hope so.... if not then i'm sorry i disappointed you.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Am I being silly or what??
be honest... not that you guys aren't ;)
I emailed Jessup today to remind him to change my address b/c my child support check is still being sent to the old house. He replied back to my email but the part that bothered me was he asked if Jessica was home and if she was for her to call him at the office. Why don't he pick up the phone and call her himself... why send me an email that says have jessica call me. He's done this before.... he's sent me an email that said have her call him when she got home from school... but this really aggravates me b/c HE should be the one to pick up the phone and call her... and its funny that we haven't heard from him since the WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS but all the sudden since i've emailed him about my check he's doing the 'have jessica call me crap'
well so far i haven't given her the message. is this wrong. i think if he wants to talk to her then he should call her!
I emailed Jessup today to remind him to change my address b/c my child support check is still being sent to the old house. He replied back to my email but the part that bothered me was he asked if Jessica was home and if she was for her to call him at the office. Why don't he pick up the phone and call her himself... why send me an email that says have jessica call me. He's done this before.... he's sent me an email that said have her call him when she got home from school... but this really aggravates me b/c HE should be the one to pick up the phone and call her... and its funny that we haven't heard from him since the WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS but all the sudden since i've emailed him about my check he's doing the 'have jessica call me crap'
well so far i haven't given her the message. is this wrong. i think if he wants to talk to her then he should call her!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I've done it
I've registered at Walmart and Babies R Us... I really wasn't expecting a baby shower but Kelly Staggs (Tommy's wife) and Aimee Underwood are dead set on giving me one... which I'm very grateful but didn't know if I was really 'supposed' to have one since I had just had a baby shower for Darcy. I just don't want anyone saying "well this isn't her first" OR "she just had one" but oh well... I'm not going to worry about it.
I went to Babies R Us this past Saturday with Matthew and Darcy to register. There was a THREE HOUR wait so we left. I ended up doing it online. Aimee told me to register at Walmart too b/c Babies R Us is such a long drive for a lot of people and Walmart is on every corner. I tried to think of things I didn't have with Darcy that looking back might have helped. Also, I thought it would be okay if I didn't have 2 of everything (ie. swing or bouncy) that I could just rotate them around, but one mother of twins told me that both of her boys liked the bouncy but not the swing so she ended up buying another bouncy to keep them occupied. So I registered for double of some things. And I can always keep some stuff at my parents house. I'm still trying to figure out what type of stroller I want... i think Matt's family might buy that... his dad made mention of it a while back. At first I thought I would need a triple stroller but quickly realized I wouldn't be brave enough to leave the house alone with 3 small children. I'm gonna stick with a simple unbrella stroller for Darcy and the double one for the boys.... that way who ever is with me (jessica or matthew) they can push one and I'll push the other. My mom suggested that I just get 2 umbrella strollers for the boys and let Darcy walk but she's lost her mind!!!!! Darcy's not even 2 years old!!!!!!!
Okay... well i'm gonna try and lay down... i haven't been sleeping so good lately. My tummy has been hard as a rock! And the pressure/muscles down there are killing me!
I went to Babies R Us this past Saturday with Matthew and Darcy to register. There was a THREE HOUR wait so we left. I ended up doing it online. Aimee told me to register at Walmart too b/c Babies R Us is such a long drive for a lot of people and Walmart is on every corner. I tried to think of things I didn't have with Darcy that looking back might have helped. Also, I thought it would be okay if I didn't have 2 of everything (ie. swing or bouncy) that I could just rotate them around, but one mother of twins told me that both of her boys liked the bouncy but not the swing so she ended up buying another bouncy to keep them occupied. So I registered for double of some things. And I can always keep some stuff at my parents house. I'm still trying to figure out what type of stroller I want... i think Matt's family might buy that... his dad made mention of it a while back. At first I thought I would need a triple stroller but quickly realized I wouldn't be brave enough to leave the house alone with 3 small children. I'm gonna stick with a simple unbrella stroller for Darcy and the double one for the boys.... that way who ever is with me (jessica or matthew) they can push one and I'll push the other. My mom suggested that I just get 2 umbrella strollers for the boys and let Darcy walk but she's lost her mind!!!!! Darcy's not even 2 years old!!!!!!!
Okay... well i'm gonna try and lay down... i haven't been sleeping so good lately. My tummy has been hard as a rock! And the pressure/muscles down there are killing me!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
We're back
We made it in last night around 10pm. I drove all the way down and all the way home... I put a total of 597 miles on my car in 2 days. The service was nice... funny but nice. Okay so I guess i'd better explain myself. It was a catholic service... never been to one before. The priest was Vietanese (sp) and I could hardly understand him. If you've ever seen Princess Bride... he talked just like the priest (marriage) LOL! It took everything in me not to laugh out loud. They also burned incense and it stunk!!!!!!!! The room was packed and it was extremely hot inside. They do a lot of stand up, sit down and repeat after me stuff. Towards the end I couldn't get up and down. I never said a word b/c you never knew what you were supposed to repeat. I joked with my brother in law (who was raised catholic) that they needed to pass out instructions as you enter the service.
I enjoyed visiting with my family... I just hated it was under those circumstances. We were able to eat dinner with my cousin tonight... he was passing through on his way home to Huntsville.
And Yes, I did watch most of American Idol... Matthew and I were trying to work out our budget.
I enjoyed visiting with my family... I just hated it was under those circumstances. We were able to eat dinner with my cousin tonight... he was passing through on his way home to Huntsville.
And Yes, I did watch most of American Idol... Matthew and I were trying to work out our budget.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Road Trip
I'm leaving tomorrow around noon... I have to go to Mobile, Alabama for a funeral. Maw Maw Sharron died last night. She's not really my maw maw but she might as well be. She's my cousin's maw maw. I used to spend my summers in Mobile when I was little so I've known her my whole life. She was diagonesed last week with cancer (liver and something else)... they told her she didn't have long to live but no one expected it to be this soon. The wake is tomorrow and the funeral is Monday at 2pm. We'll be back late Monday night. We're taking my vehicle... WE consist of Me, My parents, My sister and her husband... oh and Jessica's going too. Matthew and Darcy are staying behind. I called my doctor tonight just to make sure it was safe to travel since I've had a lot of pain... and in the last 2 days i've had some cramping going on... i shouldn't have called... he said he couldn't give me a green light so he'd give me a yellow light... he said since i was a 'high risk' pregnancy anything could happen and being 4.5 hours away isn't good. I'm going anyways... please just pray b/c I'm not having these kids without my husband!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Pregnancy tales
okay... so if you think you'll get offended then you probably will... so don't read any further!
i'm just gonna be honest okay
i've been having some major pressure down yonder for months now. I've talked with the doctor about this and he says its normal and will only get worse. He even did an exam to 'make sure' everything was okay. It hurts when I lift my left to put on my pants. It hurts to walk sometimes. It hurts when i've sat for too long. It can just hurt without me doing anything! I feel like I'm going to drop a baby! Now I'm not scared... I'm just uncomfortable. I know everything will be alright.
sometimes if i have to pee i'll wait a little longer b/c i don't feel like getting up (this mostly happens in the middle of the night)... well when I do decide to get up and go I sometimes have to walk funny in order to keep from peeing on myself b/c i've waited too long. and you already know about my whole wiping ordeal :)
tonight at dinner i felt something odd and looked down... I had a big wet circle on my shirt from where my boob leaked! LOL thank God it was just us and Grandmaw (and she can't see). I don't walk around the house without a bra on when the brocks are home. I've known that my boobs already have 'stuff' in them but never have they just started leaking on their own like that before.
after careful consideration and prayer i've decided to go with a c-section (now this scares me). I figured that I might be able to have one child vaginal (well thats if they turn) but then what if I get tired and can't get the other one out or if the baby tires out... they'd have to cut me open. It would be my luck that I would have one vaginal birth and the other by c-section... so'd I'd be recovering from a double whammy. I'm just gonna trust God and my doctor... i'll be fine. Sure I'll be wide awake and know exactly whats going on... and my mind can be my biggest enemy... i'll be lying there thinking...wow... they're cutting me open... they're taking out my insides.... yeah i know i'll be numb but i'll i still be able to feel the pressure and them tugging on me... and i'll be able to hear everything thats going on. just pray that God would give me and matty a peace about it. He's a little worried too. Worried that i'll be able to feel it... or that i'll start tripping out on him. And maybe a little worried that he'll trip out on me :)
okay so thats enough... i'm going to bed. its midnight!
i'm just gonna be honest okay
i've been having some major pressure down yonder for months now. I've talked with the doctor about this and he says its normal and will only get worse. He even did an exam to 'make sure' everything was okay. It hurts when I lift my left to put on my pants. It hurts to walk sometimes. It hurts when i've sat for too long. It can just hurt without me doing anything! I feel like I'm going to drop a baby! Now I'm not scared... I'm just uncomfortable. I know everything will be alright.
sometimes if i have to pee i'll wait a little longer b/c i don't feel like getting up (this mostly happens in the middle of the night)... well when I do decide to get up and go I sometimes have to walk funny in order to keep from peeing on myself b/c i've waited too long. and you already know about my whole wiping ordeal :)
tonight at dinner i felt something odd and looked down... I had a big wet circle on my shirt from where my boob leaked! LOL thank God it was just us and Grandmaw (and she can't see). I don't walk around the house without a bra on when the brocks are home. I've known that my boobs already have 'stuff' in them but never have they just started leaking on their own like that before.
after careful consideration and prayer i've decided to go with a c-section (now this scares me). I figured that I might be able to have one child vaginal (well thats if they turn) but then what if I get tired and can't get the other one out or if the baby tires out... they'd have to cut me open. It would be my luck that I would have one vaginal birth and the other by c-section... so'd I'd be recovering from a double whammy. I'm just gonna trust God and my doctor... i'll be fine. Sure I'll be wide awake and know exactly whats going on... and my mind can be my biggest enemy... i'll be lying there thinking...wow... they're cutting me open... they're taking out my insides.... yeah i know i'll be numb but i'll i still be able to feel the pressure and them tugging on me... and i'll be able to hear everything thats going on. just pray that God would give me and matty a peace about it. He's a little worried too. Worried that i'll be able to feel it... or that i'll start tripping out on him. And maybe a little worried that he'll trip out on me :)
okay so thats enough... i'm going to bed. its midnight!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
i'm here
i'm being pretty lazy today... i've talked on the phone... caught up with old friends and now i should be picking up while Darcy's sleeping but I'm just not ready to move.
i have to go to the store when my hubby gets home.... thats always fun.... whooo hoooo.
fyi... darcy loves sleeping in her toddler bed... we've had no problems from her. There are some nights where she's not ready for bed and might cry for a few but then quickly falls asleep without ever leaving the bed... but most nights she goes straight to sleep without a fuss.
Jessica is growing up right before my eyes and its scary. she has become such a beautiful young lady. the other day she came into darcy's room and asked me if I had a lot of guy friends when I was her age... of course I answered no... but i'm sure i did. she said most of her friends are guys. I totally understand that b/c girls can be so fake and they get jealous over little things. Guys are pretty laid back and they always enjoy a girl who can 'hang' with the guys. ya know i realize this may sound snobbish but... my jessica is a beautiful girl... and i know girls are jealous of her... i'm worried about her as she gets older... the girls are going to be really mean to her. I try to tell her just to be nice to everyone and they'll have no reason to be mean to her... but i know thats not true.
i have to go to the store when my hubby gets home.... thats always fun.... whooo hoooo.
fyi... darcy loves sleeping in her toddler bed... we've had no problems from her. There are some nights where she's not ready for bed and might cry for a few but then quickly falls asleep without ever leaving the bed... but most nights she goes straight to sleep without a fuss.
Jessica is growing up right before my eyes and its scary. she has become such a beautiful young lady. the other day she came into darcy's room and asked me if I had a lot of guy friends when I was her age... of course I answered no... but i'm sure i did. she said most of her friends are guys. I totally understand that b/c girls can be so fake and they get jealous over little things. Guys are pretty laid back and they always enjoy a girl who can 'hang' with the guys. ya know i realize this may sound snobbish but... my jessica is a beautiful girl... and i know girls are jealous of her... i'm worried about her as she gets older... the girls are going to be really mean to her. I try to tell her just to be nice to everyone and they'll have no reason to be mean to her... but i know thats not true.
Monday, January 09, 2006
well i haven't complained a lot about my pregnancy but lately i've been very uncomfortable. I've had really bad back pain. Mainly its in my lower back but recently I've started having cramps all the way up my right side. My sweet husband has been very good about rubbing my back for me at night but it only helps for a minute. Grandmaw gave me this massage thingy that goes in my chair and vibrates. It helps some but i can't stay in it all the time. Sleeping has become more and more difficult.
Oh and over the weekend I discoved that it was getting harder to wipe my butt! How's that one for laughs!! sorry if that was tmi :)
Oh and over the weekend I discoved that it was getting harder to wipe my butt! How's that one for laughs!! sorry if that was tmi :)
Sunday, January 08, 2006
yea i know thats a first but truly I am.
I have mixed emotions today. I'm excited but sad (and maybe a little envious) all at the same time. Amy, Matt's little sister, is leaving tomorrow for 6 months. This next week she'll be in California with her parents but after that she's flying to Turkey! She's going to be a tutor for a missionary family. She'll also spend several weeks backpacking through Europe. Neat huh. Having the opportunity to take such a life changing journey is something we all dream about.... at least I did/do. She's turning 21 on the 10th of this month. She graduated college last month... bright girl.... beautiful too. She's got good things going for her. I'm proud of her. I'm gonna miss her. I know we didn't hang out a lot but now thats she's going to be gone for 6 months i'm having crazy regrets. I love her... and apparently I didn't show that very well. But I do. I LOVE YOU AMY MICHELLE BROCK! I think you're great!
okay so before I start crying again I'd better go. I want everyone to add Amy to your prayer list. It's gonna be hard for her to leave but it will be the best thing for her. And pray for her parents... She's their baby and unlike when she went off to college in Tenn she's not just a few hours away. It will be good for everyone. It's sad to think she's not going to be around the girls for six whole months... I mean Darcy probably won't notice but Jessica will. She loves her Aunt Amy... thinks she hung the moon. And she's not going to be here when the twins are born :) But thats all okay... at least she'll come back to us eventually.
I have mixed emotions today. I'm excited but sad (and maybe a little envious) all at the same time. Amy, Matt's little sister, is leaving tomorrow for 6 months. This next week she'll be in California with her parents but after that she's flying to Turkey! She's going to be a tutor for a missionary family. She'll also spend several weeks backpacking through Europe. Neat huh. Having the opportunity to take such a life changing journey is something we all dream about.... at least I did/do. She's turning 21 on the 10th of this month. She graduated college last month... bright girl.... beautiful too. She's got good things going for her. I'm proud of her. I'm gonna miss her. I know we didn't hang out a lot but now thats she's going to be gone for 6 months i'm having crazy regrets. I love her... and apparently I didn't show that very well. But I do. I LOVE YOU AMY MICHELLE BROCK! I think you're great!
okay so before I start crying again I'd better go. I want everyone to add Amy to your prayer list. It's gonna be hard for her to leave but it will be the best thing for her. And pray for her parents... She's their baby and unlike when she went off to college in Tenn she's not just a few hours away. It will be good for everyone. It's sad to think she's not going to be around the girls for six whole months... I mean Darcy probably won't notice but Jessica will. She loves her Aunt Amy... thinks she hung the moon. And she's not going to be here when the twins are born :) But thats all okay... at least she'll come back to us eventually.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Darcy's pictures
our friend Anna Wight took some pictures of Darcy a few weeks back. You can go to her website to check em out. Just click on client album. There's a little curser thingy on the left so you can hold you mouse over the arrow and it scrolls down... if you click the other little thingy it skips the ones in the mirror.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Neat O
I found the neatest website today... okay well i thought it was neat.
Crown Financial Ministries
Crown Financial Seminar January 13th & 14th at Christian Life Fellowship in Calera!!!
Its $20 per person or $30 a couple. If you're interested they need a final count this week. Call the church office at 668-6077.
Matt and I went to a leadership conference back in August and we really enjoyed what we learned. We were supposed to start a class up after the new year but with the surprise of the twins we've decided to step down until after they're here.
I encourage anyone and everyone who gets a paycheck to attend this seminar... it will truly change your life. It has ours.
Its $20 per person or $30 a couple. If you're interested they need a final count this week. Call the church office at 668-6077.
Matt and I went to a leadership conference back in August and we really enjoyed what we learned. We were supposed to start a class up after the new year but with the surprise of the twins we've decided to step down until after they're here.
I encourage anyone and everyone who gets a paycheck to attend this seminar... it will truly change your life. It has ours.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
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