Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tommy Lee goes to College

Did anyone else watch that last night??? I thought it was pretty good. I'm interested to see if he can pull it off and actually learn something. I thought it was really funny about the band tryouts.

Tonight is Brat Camp and So you think you can dance.... oh which one shall i watch.... Brat Camp! I really need that TVO deal.

Last night I watch the Real World Austin. I don't really like any of them... except Lacy. It seems like over the years the folks are going all out to see if they can top the stunts from the previous years.


Anonymous said...

That Tommy Lee thing is a rerun to the major station. It was on either MTV or VH1 or some music channel almost a year ago. I reember reading all aboutit, but never watched it. Either that - or they filmed it way long ago and it took a year to get it on tv. I rememebr articles about it here and there. Did you hear his new cd? I saw it, but didnot get it.

~Crystal~ said...

It's the first time it has aired. And they did film it awhile ago. Lots of time when they film reality shows they will go on & film them & then shop them around to different networks. They did the same thing with Britney Spears 'Chaotic'.
I saw it & really enjoyed it. I think Tommy Lee is hot! I really do! I saw his new video on VH1 & it was pretty good. That's actually the single that plays for the opening of the show.

Oh & Nicole...They created this thing called a VCR & it has a record button on it. I think you may have one already. wink wink

Jamie said...

He doesn't appeal to me in the least. No thank you!