Monday, August 15, 2005

just a walk

i just walked around the neighborhood... the last part I was starting to get tired. I'm hoping we can make this a nightly routine... but so far we've only done it twice since last monday.

thanks for all of you that are praying for Jonathan. I've spoken with him several times today. He is waiting for a place in rehab until then he'll be attending some other meetings.

its official... jessica is a cheerleader for KCS pee wee team.


Vickie said...

Congratulations Jessica!!

What about Teen Challenge for Jonathan?

prftpeace said...

Maybe you aren't consistent with the walking yet, but don't give up! You'll get least you are making an effort.

Congratulations to Jessica!

~Crystal~ said...

Hip Hip Hooray J-E-S-S-I-C-A!!!

Nicole said...

we've got a place for him to go... we just have to wait until they review everything. teen challenge is expensive and he's already tried it once and didn't like it.