Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I know I know... I haven't been a good blogger lately. Instead of posting everything on one BIG post I will try and break it down for you guys. I'll start with Darcy's doctor appt.

I was told to be there a little early to fill out paper work. The doctor had moved offices and none of her personal information transfered. I didn't mind. I got there at 8:20.... her appointment was at 8:45am.

The doctor's office has 2 seperate waiting rooms. One for well babies and the other for sick ones. We were in the sick room. No one else was in there. The room was full of empty chairs and Lion King II? was playing. In walks a older lady with her two grandchildren (probably 5 years old... twin girls). I'm filling out papers and darcy is playing at my feet. I noticed this woman was walking right towards me and I'm thinking to myself 'lady go sit somewhere else. I don't want my kid to get whatever your kids got.' Sure enough she sits on the other side of my purse (my purse is in the chair next to me). The next thing I know this lady is saying "can you move your purse?" Now i'm sitting here thinking "heck no! you've got the whole room lady!" But instead I'm in shock and I move my purse after she repeats herself and adds "she (granddaughter) wants to watch the movie." THEN!!!!! The lady gets up and starts brushing her granddaughters hair... okay you guys know that in waiting rooms the chairs are right up against the next chair.... I was disturbed. Finally THEY were called back. I didn't let the fact that i was there before them bother me... I was just glad they were gone.

To make a long story short I was called back at 9:45.... a full hour past my appt time!!!!!!

Darcy checked out fine. The doctor checked her ears and everything. She gave me some stuff for congestion. She said it was probably just her teeth. Yippee!

Sunday night was horrible... she screamed all night long... no matter what I did it didn't help. I was so tired monday... matt came home and i was able to take a nap. Thank God for good husbands!!!!

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