Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Mark your Calendar!

August 27th... Saturday night... maybe more afternoonish/evening... i'm going to host a P A R T Y!!!! And you all are invited! It's going to be a relaxing time to meet some new peeps and reunite with old friends. Just bring you're favorite snack food! Bring the kids or get a babysitter... its up to YOU! I'll let you know the time a little closer to the date... it depends on Matt's work schedule :)

I'm giving you plenty of notice so NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Darn - if only the trial was i Alabama instead of Arkansas! I am supposed to be on a plane that day to set up for trial that Monday.

Jamie said...

Hmmm... interesting! I would LOVE to come. I have to check with my husband and make sure 'el doesn't have a booking... but I think I might be able to come! Yeah!~