Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sunday night...

Darcy was up all night long!!!!! She screamed her head off! At first it scared me b/c it was one of those screams like something was hurting her... I undressed her thinking maybe something had bitten her... but found nothing. It was just her teeth! I tried everything to get her to calm down. I was worried she'd wake up everyone in the house. Matt came in there at some point and tried to help but was of no use. I gave tylenol to ease the pain and hoping it would knock her out :) she wouldn't take a bottle or anything! Eventually I made myself a pallet in the floor and laid down with her. I woke up some time later and moved her to her crib and went back to my bed. She woke up again!!!!!!! By the time it was time for me to get up and get Jessica ready for school I was a zombie! I made jessica blueberry muffins. I asked my mom to come by and stay with Darcy while i ran jessica to school. Normally I'd just take her but after the long night I didn't want to wake her up! by the time i was ready to leave she was waking up. I was hoping I could come back home and take a nap but that never happened. I finally was able to take nap around 2:30pm.


prftpeace said...

so much going on! Hope Darcy is feeling better and that you all get some rest tonight.

~Crystal~ said...

I hate that you are having a rough time. I hope things get better with Darcy & you get some rest.

Jamie said...

I really, really feel your pain Nicole. That has happened to me on more than one occasion.