Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Leaving for the conference

I was supposed to have packed friday but I didn't get around to it. Besides it was only for one night!! So when Matt got home I started packing. We had planned on leaving around 3:30 but I dont' think we left until 5pm!

We dropped the girls off at his parents house. Matt's folks were going to watch Darcy while my mom took Jessica to open house.

Jessica's teacher is Mr. Quinn. He was born and raised in Alaska. He's in his 30's. I met him yesterday on the first day of school... which I tell you about later :)

Anyways so off we were... we enjoy road trips b/c we do a lot of talking. We picked out Darcy's name on the road :) And while on this trip we talked about what we'd name the next one ;) We stopped in Prattville to eat at Ruby Tuesdays. We went overboard!!!!! We had an appetizer and ended with dessert!!!!! We made it there a little after 9pm. Not bad timing if you ask me... esp since we stopped.

Our hotel was really nice.... nicer than what we're used to anyways... lol. We normally find the cheapest hotel/motel. But our pastor booked it for us... we were at the Holiday Inn Express.

funny story.... one time matt and I spent the night in Atlanta at this really rank motel. When checking in I asked the man where the vending machines were and he said "you go straight to room and don't go outside!" he was dead serious!!!!!!!!

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