I made this tonight... it took me 2 1/2 hours but I had help... my gf did the pants while I did the rest.

The handband (shown in the first picture) didn't fit... too tight! LOL
I took some of Darcy's 2T pants that fit in the waist but are too short and made the pants capris!
what a cutie!!! It seems like a great way to save money!
Cute! I want to learn!
That outfit is soooooo cute!
AWESOME job Nicole.
OK......the answer to your question on my CVS post: I walked into CVS with $5.00 ECB's from last week and I only had a little over a dollar in change in my purse. I bought two items that generated ECB's plus I had a manufactures coupon to deduct as well. I took those ECB's and did my next transaction with Manufactures coupons as well. I always try to have some CVS $'s off coupons too.
You need to let me meet you one day or evening at one of the stores , without any little ones so we can put our total focus on what we're doing, and let me walk you through a transaction or too.
Go to this web-site and she will walk you through it. I printed it off so I would have it with me. http://www.moneysavingmom.com/2007/09/cvs-101.html
I forgot to tell you- wipe off your lens with a cleaning cloth (like for glasses) its blurry.
I was wondering why the pictures were fuzzy/blurry. I was thinking maybe you have them on a certain kind of setting for that effect.
I was going to give you the same advice as Mom. Totally meet us one night & we'll show how it's done.
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS OUTFIT!!!! I want one just like it. :)
ohmygoodness that's cute!
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