We're leaving EARLY Friday morning and if we could leave sooner we would! LOL
Today around 4:30 I got a phone call from Lisa. She's sick... real sick. She's not going with us. After months and months of planning on having a nanny to help out we're now forced to go without one. But really I'm okay. Its my family for crying out loud and I should be able to handle them. I really just wanted her to be an extra set of hands to help apply sunscreen, carry kids and beach equipment. We thought about doing dinner one night and leaving her with the kids but thats okay... we can't really afford anything extra on this trip anyways with the gas going up as much as it has. When we first planned this trip it took me around $55 to fill up. Now its closer to $75 or $80. We're taking two cars. Jessica is taking a friend and we have no room for our luggage anyways. I thought about renting a uhaul trailer but doing that really wouldn't be saving us any money. I know we're going to have a good time. Just keep us in your prayers. I want this trip to be relaxing for everyone.
Back to Lisa...
She called me yesterday to tell me she'd gone to the doctor to get some meds b/c she felt like she was coming down with something. He gave her a shot and some antibiotics. Today she was scheduled to get some sort of infusion for her back problems. They took her temp and it was 103. something. They did blood work and her white blood count was 3x more than its supposed to be. They didn't want to release her from the hosipital but they did b/c her mother convienced them she'd make her go straight to bed and stay there. She called me this afternooon in tears. She's very upset about missing out on this trip b/c she feels like she's letting me down. She hasn't. I know this is a God thing. I've gone back in forth about whether I should take her or not so I think this is definitely God making the decision for me.
Again, I'm asking you all to please pray for our trip. Its our first ever family vacation and I'm a little nervous about taking my little ones to the beach. Pray for safety. Pray that we can ALL relax and enjoy ourselves and each other. Pray for peace. Pray for good weather. JUST PRAY!
I'll take lots of pictures!
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Today I was checking the website for Sips n Strokes but it wouldn't come up. I was bored so I just started googling things... I googled sips n strokes and found a blogger so I checked out her site. She actually lives in Jemison (where I live). Not only does she love sips n strokes but she's a godly woman too!! I introduced myself to her and she replied back.
A few hours later I was back on her site checking out her links to see if I could find any more godly women from around here. I found a blog for another lady named Dee Dee... I went to her site and she lives in the next city over but the real surprise is she had pictures of her son, Jonathan. I KNOW HIM from when I volunteered at CR years ago. I remember when he joined the military. He's had several tours to Iraq but he's home safely now. Wild huh?
Anyways I just thought I'd share. Has anything like this ever happened to you in the blogging world????
A few hours later I was back on her site checking out her links to see if I could find any more godly women from around here. I found a blog for another lady named Dee Dee... I went to her site and she lives in the next city over but the real surprise is she had pictures of her son, Jonathan. I KNOW HIM from when I volunteered at CR years ago. I remember when he joined the military. He's had several tours to Iraq but he's home safely now. Wild huh?
Anyways I just thought I'd share. Has anything like this ever happened to you in the blogging world????
not so happy
Memorial Day
We spent it just how we wanted to... doing nothing but enjoying our kids!!!! We filled the pool up and let them play. It was in the yard but we moved it to the porch so my mom could cut the grass - no we didn't make her do it but she LOVES to cut the grass so she did! We grilled out ribs, chicken and hotdogs. We had potato salad, slaw and baked beans.



Monday, May 26, 2008
Emergency Surgery!
Its hard to see this but its a small piece of a cord and Jacob had put it in his nose. I didn't realize what it was and I reached to snatch out a boogie but instead I shoved this farther up his nose. I had to hold him down and get it out with tweezers. When he cried he sucked it back up his nose. It was a task but I got it!!!!!
water fun
Friday, May 23, 2008
Guess Who else is going on Vacation...
She's going to stay at the vets while we're gone. She'll have all her shots and room & board for 7 days.... $200!!! Yikes! I forget how expensive a pet can be. Cats aren't too bad but dogs... yeah I've spent a lot of money on mine! She'll be well taken care of. They have a huge dog run and she's ll be spoiled for 7 days! I don't need her to stay for 7 days but we're coming back late Tuesday and they're closed Wednesday.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
My Wonderful and Amazing husband
When my hubby and I first got married he weighted almost 200lbs. Its been almost 5 years and now he's 165. 15 or so of those pounds have been lost in the last month. No, he's not trying to lose weight. People are constantly asking him if he's sick or making comments about him being skinny. It bothers him. In fact its bothered him so much that he went to the doctor yesterday. They took several little thingys of blood and are going to test him for everything. It could be something as simple as his metabolism speeding up or a thyroid problem.
He admitted to being stressed and stress causes all sorts of problems. Please pray for my hubby. And pray that the blood work comes back with no real issues. thanks
He admitted to being stressed and stress causes all sorts of problems. Please pray for my hubby. And pray that the blood work comes back with no real issues. thanks
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Jessica and Momma Day
We used to have Jessica and momma days alot but its hard to have them with four kids and a husband that works a lot. Last week Jessica had awards ceremony at school. I was able to have a friend watch the little ones so I could go with her. Afterwards I got a pedicure while she got a manicure. We had lunch at my favorite place...
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