Saturday, March 21, 2009


Brent was released about 6 hours after the whole ordeal. I haven't spoken to him yet but I've spoken to Mike (stepdad) and his brother... both said this was his first time to experiment with heroin... hopefully his last! He was very lucky... they were almost not able to bring him back. This sounds weird esp since they released him so soon. I dunno. Anyways I don't hate my family. Some I love less than others... but not any of my aunts kids... my heart always will have a special place for those boys b/c I know what HELL they went through with their dad. Please keep Brent in your prayers. That family needs prayers. I will make a point to talk to him in the next few days. I have a lot I want to say to him. And in the next few days he's going to be hearing a lot from his family... pray he listens. I've spent most of the days in tears just reflecting over things past and present. God is able if Brent is willing.

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