Monday, March 23, 2009

A trip to school and back

It takes only 5 minutes to get there and back... you'd think that wasn't enough time for anything to happen, right? WRONG! LOL My boys argue over who's going to take them to the car. Then once we've dropped off the girls they start yelling at me where they wanna go. This can be anywhere from the gym, grandparents house or home and every now n then they come out of the blue with strange request. This morning Jeremiah wanted to go to the gym while Jacob kept saying "NO! Home!" Then Jeremiah hits Jacob and says "NO! GYM!" I scream "Be Nice!!! No hitting!" And no sooner than I get that out of my mouth Jacob says "Yeah! Be nice!!!" followed by a whack to Jeremiah! LOL

Now they're sitting next to me on the couch watching.... Polar Express! An alltime favorite for them. At least I have the next few hours to get stuff done! HA!


Anonymous said...

I guess you can tell that they are brocks, they like to get up early and get stuff done!

native-nc said...

Sounds OH so familiar!! Around here STOP IT is frequently yelled by one or both of the boys. They make me nuts sometimes!