Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God's sense of humor

... isn't always funny to us!!! We've been praying about all thats going on and you know how that can go sometimes. God answers our prayers but not always the way we thought he might. Matthew stayed home today b/c we weren't sure what was going on with his truck. We were afraid a line of some sort had broken. We took it to our dear friends at Bice Auto and dropped it off this morning. A short time ago I called to see what it was going to cost us.......... He said "hunny there ain't nothin wrong with his truck! he's got so much garbage in the back he must have had something spill. We checked everything and it fine." At this point it hits me.... I dumped out the fry daddy in some grocery bags the other day and stuck in in the trash can. Matthew puts the trash in the back of his truck until trash day b/c the neighborhood dogs get into it. It must have leaked everywhere!! I laughed and told Jerry what had happened. I told him God had a sense of humor b/c he knew we couldn't afford to fix any major issues right now! When I told Matthew he didn't laugh. He was sick... he'd taken off work b/c of it. I tried to tell him not to be upset (he wasn't upset at me) but just to thank God for answering our prayer!!! Maybe he can look back and laugh about it later :)


Staci said...

I think its funny. Matt will too, one day. I am glad you had no major issues! I know that feeling when you just get sick from the idea of what it might cost you.

Jamie said...

I'm smiling! Thankful for you guys, that you're not having to shell out a bunch of money!

native-nc said...

Finally getting to read~ yeah for it only being a mix up! Car troubles are no fun....our alternator is on it's way out. Thankfully my little brother knows how to put in a new one so it will only cost us an arm instead of an arm & and a leg...LOL.

Eric said...

That's our God!!! GREAT sense of humor!