Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun Day at the Park!

We met Jamie at the park today. They've added a whole bunch of equipment to the park we used to visit when we lived in that area. I was overwhelmed at the amount of people there. Everyone in Shelby County must have been at that park today!!! Kids were running everywhere. I lost track of my boys a few times... after a while Jamie and I decided we'd rather go to her house where we could keep up with our kids! LOL I met her around 10am and didn't leave her house till after 2pm. We had a great time together... very relaxing. I know thats hard to believe with 7 kids between us but really it was.
I took some pictures at the park. Here's just a few.
Darcy and Jacob

Jacob flying down the slide!!!

I had some pictures of Jessica and Jeremiah but blogger was having issues and I could upload anymore. I'll try again later.
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native-nc said...

Cute pics!

~Crystal~ said...

Jacob flying down the slide is awesome!