Sunday morning... heading to church!
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Beach
Family In Need
I saw this story and wanted to share it with you all. Some of us are able to help this family... they're in our community!
Bikers Rev Up Money for Calera Boy in Need
posted 10:15 pm Sun March 29, 2009 - Birmingham, AL
reporter: Ana Jasen
from ABC 33/40 News -
They ride to rev up money to help people in need. Now, dozens of bikers from across the country are mounting their motorcycles in honor of an 11 year-old boy from Calera. 200 motorcycles roared past Children's Hospital in Birmingham Sunday in what was called the Little Man Ride. That little man is Mason Hart. "I think that's pretty cool. I think I'm one lucky person to have people riding for me," says 11 year-old Mason Hart. "It's so great to see people band together for this amazing young man he is just an amazing kid," says Heather Bickers, biker. Mason was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. His mom, Michelaine Hart, says he has ulcers on his large intestine. She says it's treatable but not curable. Mason's currently undergoing IV infusions of an experimental medicine that the family says insurance won't pay for. Michelaine says it's difficult for her and her husband to work when they're trying to spend every moment with Mason in the hospital. "Parents aren't able to work. Family Medical Leave Act only allows you to be out for 12 weeks and there's other foundations out there to help with medical bills but there's not foundations out there to help with your power bills and food," says Michelaine Hart. Sunday's ride raised more than $4,500. Some of the money will go to the Hart family and some will go to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America to help fund a 'Camp Oasis.' It's a special camp for children like Mason. The rest of the money will go toward buying new portable games and toys to brighten up the infusion room at Children's.
Mason's friends and family plan to set up a bank account to receive donations. Until then you can email reporter Ana Jasen if you're interested in giving to the Hart Family. The email address is
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The decking is done now we just have to put the rails up and do the stairs. I'm not sure if we'll have it finished by next weekend or not but we're working hard! I actually have helped!! I did all the nailing on the frame with the nail gun and then today I screwed the decking in!! My brother in law came and helped a couple of days this week and again today. Matthew's dad has been out of town on business. It hasn't rained here at all today!! We're done for the day and we'll be back at it tomorrow!
We made the deck 4 feet bigger and I had no idea what a difference that would make. The deck was already a nice size but now its HUGE!!! I've already got my place marked for my hot tub (keep dreaming right). I'll take pictures of the finish product and post em.
We made the deck 4 feet bigger and I had no idea what a difference that would make. The deck was already a nice size but now its HUGE!!! I've already got my place marked for my hot tub (keep dreaming right). I'll take pictures of the finish product and post em.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I sub'ed again today.... i left at lunch time. Man those kids kick my tail!!!! I came home and crashed! I slept for 2.5 hours!!! My deck is almost done.... well not really but I'm trying to be positive. Its closer to being finished than it was :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wild Day
I woke up this morning around 5ish. The rain was really coming down... I came downstairs to check the weather channel. Matthew was getting ready for work. I told him he could not leave until it slacked up. He didn't argue... he knew it was a losing battle. Finally it calmed down and off he went. I went back to bed but only for an hour :( I could have slept all day with the rain coming down. Finally I made myself get out of bed. I was trying really hard to get Darcy up when the phone rang. It was the principal. He wanted me to sub. By this time it was 7:30am and I was already running late. I told him I couldn't be there by 8am but definitely by 8:30am. So I rushed and took a shower and got all the kids ready. We walked in the door at 8:30am. Wow what a day. EIGHT two year olds and one baby thats 5 months old. My 2 were the ones that kept me busy. They're not used to being there and were ready to leave. I survived!
In the meantime the plumber came. Its fixed!!!! PTL!
The sun is out and my hubby and brother in law are on their way to work on the deck!!!! whoo hoo!
In the meantime the plumber came. Its fixed!!!! PTL!
The sun is out and my hubby and brother in law are on their way to work on the deck!!!! whoo hoo!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
God's sense of humor
... isn't always funny to us!!! We've been praying about all thats going on and you know how that can go sometimes. God answers our prayers but not always the way we thought he might. Matthew stayed home today b/c we weren't sure what was going on with his truck. We were afraid a line of some sort had broken. We took it to our dear friends at Bice Auto and dropped it off this morning. A short time ago I called to see what it was going to cost us.......... He said "hunny there ain't nothin wrong with his truck! he's got so much garbage in the back he must have had something spill. We checked everything and it fine." At this point it hits me.... I dumped out the fry daddy in some grocery bags the other day and stuck in in the trash can. Matthew puts the trash in the back of his truck until trash day b/c the neighborhood dogs get into it. It must have leaked everywhere!! I laughed and told Jerry what had happened. I told him God had a sense of humor b/c he knew we couldn't afford to fix any major issues right now! When I told Matthew he didn't laugh. He was sick... he'd taken off work b/c of it. I tried to tell him not to be upset (he wasn't upset at me) but just to thank God for answering our prayer!!! Maybe he can look back and laugh about it later :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
beyond frustrated
I don't know that I can even sit here and type this out but I'll try. Basically we having a MAJOR plumbing issue. The clean out pipe doesn't have a top to it b/c the idiots that put it in didn't make it flush with the yard or high enough for you to see it... just kinda at the right spot for it to be chopped by the law mower. We've replaced the lid 2x. Well apparently our kids put something in it and now its backed up. REALLY BACKED UP!! Like in the yard backed up! So this afternoon Matthew starts digging a hole to reach the pipe... okay so i'm not going to explain step by step what we did but I'll leave it at... IT DIDN'T WORK! Its almost 10 o'clock and we've finally given up. We've done everything that was suggested... whatever is blocking it and STUCK and STUCK GOOD! So now my yard has 2 huge holes in it and a whole nother spot where the drain backed up in the yard. Needless to say the kids will NOT be going outside tomorrow. Did I mention we have a deck tore down b/c we're rebuilding it???? So our yard was already a not so safe zone... now its really not!!!
Oh... and to top it all off... matthew walks out to his truck for something and realized its leaking something... BAD. 3 spots and the whole underneath was covered... he couldn't tell what it was. I heard him out in the driveway laughing... it was an evil laugh. I know he's so fed up so will you say a prayer for him. He gets really down about things like this... esp since he just spent money on a new guitar... now he's feeling guilty and I really don't want him to feel this way. I realize its just another trail and we'll make it through it!
Oh... and to top it all off... matthew walks out to his truck for something and realized its leaking something... BAD. 3 spots and the whole underneath was covered... he couldn't tell what it was. I heard him out in the driveway laughing... it was an evil laugh. I know he's so fed up so will you say a prayer for him. He gets really down about things like this... esp since he just spent money on a new guitar... now he's feeling guilty and I really don't want him to feel this way. I realize its just another trail and we'll make it through it!
I cannot get motivated!!
I said that I was going to study over spring break but i can't make myself do it. I'm just NOT feeling it!! I know I know... I gotta push myself. I really needed just one more extra day tagged to my weekend. It went by so fast. My hubby and his dad spent most of the weekend working on the deck while I ran errands and tended to the kids. I wanted to have a lazy weekend with my hubby... here I am talking from both sides of my mouth. I want a new deck but I don't want my hubby to spend all his free time working on it. Does anyone else do this type of thing?
I'll have to back up... Friday night we spent the evening together. I was gifted some Belk Bucks and had $70 to spend then we used our Stix gift certificate that we got at Christmas. So we did have some time together. I was able to buy 2 blouses and an Easter dress. He actually shopped for a new guitar which I went and picked up on Sunday. He'd saved his Christmas money, B'day money and some overtime money to buy a new one. He got a Taylor and he loves it! He's been playing in the worship band at church and it was a good excuse to buy one. Not to mention he's been wanted one for a really looooonggggg time. He had a songbird given to him years ago and it just wasn't good enough.
Well I guess I'm going to attempt to study.
Did I tell you guys that my English average is a 96? WELL IT IS!!!
I'll have to back up... Friday night we spent the evening together. I was gifted some Belk Bucks and had $70 to spend then we used our Stix gift certificate that we got at Christmas. So we did have some time together. I was able to buy 2 blouses and an Easter dress. He actually shopped for a new guitar which I went and picked up on Sunday. He'd saved his Christmas money, B'day money and some overtime money to buy a new one. He got a Taylor and he loves it! He's been playing in the worship band at church and it was a good excuse to buy one. Not to mention he's been wanted one for a really looooonggggg time. He had a songbird given to him years ago and it just wasn't good enough.
Well I guess I'm going to attempt to study.
Did I tell you guys that my English average is a 96? WELL IT IS!!!
A trip to school and back
It takes only 5 minutes to get there and back... you'd think that wasn't enough time for anything to happen, right? WRONG! LOL My boys argue over who's going to take them to the car. Then once we've dropped off the girls they start yelling at me where they wanna go. This can be anywhere from the gym, grandparents house or home and every now n then they come out of the blue with strange request. This morning Jeremiah wanted to go to the gym while Jacob kept saying "NO! Home!" Then Jeremiah hits Jacob and says "NO! GYM!" I scream "Be Nice!!! No hitting!" And no sooner than I get that out of my mouth Jacob says "Yeah! Be nice!!!" followed by a whack to Jeremiah! LOL
Now they're sitting next to me on the couch watching.... Polar Express! An alltime favorite for them. At least I have the next few hours to get stuff done! HA!
Now they're sitting next to me on the couch watching.... Polar Express! An alltime favorite for them. At least I have the next few hours to get stuff done! HA!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Brent was released about 6 hours after the whole ordeal. I haven't spoken to him yet but I've spoken to Mike (stepdad) and his brother... both said this was his first time to experiment with heroin... hopefully his last! He was very lucky... they were almost not able to bring him back. This sounds weird esp since they released him so soon. I dunno. Anyways I don't hate my family. Some I love less than others... but not any of my aunts kids... my heart always will have a special place for those boys b/c I know what HELL they went through with their dad. Please keep Brent in your prayers. That family needs prayers. I will make a point to talk to him in the next few days. I have a lot I want to say to him. And in the next few days he's going to be hearing a lot from his family... pray he listens. I've spent most of the days in tears just reflecting over things past and present. God is able if Brent is willing.
He OD'd on Heroin... incase you wanted to know.
I skipped out on the family event... Jeremiah is having a really hard time with his allergies... Darcy is too but she knew we were supposed to go and there was no way I couldn't take her. They're fishing and she loves to fish. So I met my parents and Darcy went with them. The boys are napping. I'm supervising the deck building. I've cried off and on all day today. I'm angry... incase you didn't get that in the last post.
I skipped out on the family event... Jeremiah is having a really hard time with his allergies... Darcy is too but she knew we were supposed to go and there was no way I couldn't take her. They're fishing and she loves to fish. So I met my parents and Darcy went with them. The boys are napping. I'm supervising the deck building. I've cried off and on all day today. I'm angry... incase you didn't get that in the last post.
**** warning**** I've come back and put this at the top b/c I realized how raw and emotional this post is. You might be offended but I don't care. I might end up deleting this post but for now I'm angry and this is me angry.
My husband got up extra early this morning to start working on the deck. A little after 8am I got THE phone call. You know which one I'm talking about. The ones that you KNOW something is wrong because no one would call you that early. It was my mom. She said "Brent OD'd but he's alive... he's in intensive care." I was suddenly wide awake. She didn't have many details. His friends had dropped him off at the ER at St. Vincents. Friends... yeah right!
After I got off the phone I laid in bed and thought about his life and all the chances he'd already been given. I thought about how much he hated his dad when he was younger but now he'd grown up to be just like him. I was angry. I laid there sobbing. I was angry at Brent and I was angry at my aunt. yeah b/c she has always just turned her head.
I got out of bed and found the number for my Brent's brother, Brock. I called him. He and I have always had some sort of bond... at least I think so. I called him... I could barely speak. I asked him if he was at the hospital, he was. I asked if Brent was going to be okay. He said "yeah, he's fine. He's up walking around and talking." I wasn't expecting to hear that. I was relieved but a little angry b/c I thought if it recovered so quickly would he really realize how close it was? Would that be enough to jolt him? This isn't the first close call with him so this probably won't be enough to straighten him out. I told Brock that I was glad he was okay but I wanted to beat his head in! We hung up shortly after that. But several times since then I've thought about calling back and talking to Brent. But I know there's nothing I can say to him that will jolt him either.
So this time he's okay. But I really feel like next time he won't be so lucky. My heart aches.
Ironically, today at noon I'm to meet up with my family (extended) at my other cousin's house for a b'day party. These people I call family make me sick. You hear of families having at least one black sheep... well my family has several. Druggies and wife beaters. I hate them. I know thats pretty stout but really... I wish I didn't but I do. I think their mothers could have done better. Yeah I said it... their mothers could have done better!! Their fathers are worthless!
My husband got up extra early this morning to start working on the deck. A little after 8am I got THE phone call. You know which one I'm talking about. The ones that you KNOW something is wrong because no one would call you that early. It was my mom. She said "Brent OD'd but he's alive... he's in intensive care." I was suddenly wide awake. She didn't have many details. His friends had dropped him off at the ER at St. Vincents. Friends... yeah right!
After I got off the phone I laid in bed and thought about his life and all the chances he'd already been given. I thought about how much he hated his dad when he was younger but now he'd grown up to be just like him. I was angry. I laid there sobbing. I was angry at Brent and I was angry at my aunt. yeah b/c she has always just turned her head.
I got out of bed and found the number for my Brent's brother, Brock. I called him. He and I have always had some sort of bond... at least I think so. I called him... I could barely speak. I asked him if he was at the hospital, he was. I asked if Brent was going to be okay. He said "yeah, he's fine. He's up walking around and talking." I wasn't expecting to hear that. I was relieved but a little angry b/c I thought if it recovered so quickly would he really realize how close it was? Would that be enough to jolt him? This isn't the first close call with him so this probably won't be enough to straighten him out. I told Brock that I was glad he was okay but I wanted to beat his head in! We hung up shortly after that. But several times since then I've thought about calling back and talking to Brent. But I know there's nothing I can say to him that will jolt him either.
So this time he's okay. But I really feel like next time he won't be so lucky. My heart aches.
Ironically, today at noon I'm to meet up with my family (extended) at my other cousin's house for a b'day party. These people I call family make me sick. You hear of families having at least one black sheep... well my family has several. Druggies and wife beaters. I hate them. I know thats pretty stout but really... I wish I didn't but I do. I think their mothers could have done better. Yeah I said it... their mothers could have done better!! Their fathers are worthless!
Friday, March 20, 2009
i'm an idiot
My laptop quit connecting the internet so finally I called our provider. I'm on the phone with him and he tells me its gotta be something on my end... then all the sudden I realized what happened... I left the laptop open on the couch and jacob was "working" away on it. He hit the button that connects to the internet. thats all it was!!! after going most of the morning without it and ready to cuss our provider... it was that simply!!!! so yeah i'm back up now.
and btw the dog is still on my porch!
My laptop quit connecting the internet so finally I called our provider. I'm on the phone with him and he tells me its gotta be something on my end... then all the sudden I realized what happened... I left the laptop open on the couch and jacob was "working" away on it. He hit the button that connects to the internet. thats all it was!!! after going most of the morning without it and ready to cuss our provider... it was that simply!!!! so yeah i'm back up now.
and btw the dog is still on my porch!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
An Unwanted Pest... I mean pet
First thing this morning when we headed out the door to the dentist appointment I knew I had a problem. My kids wouldn't get in the car b/c they were too busy chasing a dachshund around the yard... almost into the ROAD! So we leave... and we come back... and its still here!!!! Its been on my front porch all day!! At times it scratches on my front door. It barks. It makes my dog bark. It draws other dogs to my front porch! I've actually had to separate a dog fight tonight! Its 9 o'clock and its still on my front porch! Its a very sweet friendly dog but the above mentioned things seem to cause a slight problem. I called the police a little after 8pm. They sent an officer out... useless. He couldn't do anything b/c he had his own K9 in the car. He said to call back if we had any more fights. He was going to send the animal control person out first thing in the morning. Here's my deal for all you animal lovers that I've possibly offended... This is not the first time I've seen this dog at my house. There's at least 2 other dachshunds that are normally with it. They're always roaming free!!!! ALWAYS! I don't understand why they're not taken better care of. Why isn't someone yelling for this dog to come home? Why isn't someone out walking the streets looking for her? Why is it always out roaming????? I'm beyond annoyed!
Once I was trying to get in my car and one for the other dachshunds came running up and jumped on me leaving behind a nice ole muddy footprint!!! I think the owners are being waaaay inconsiderate!!! I have a dog. She's in a fence.... and ya know what else????? I bring her in at night b/c she barks and I don't want to be INCONSIDERATE to my neighbors!
Its not my responsibitly to go knocking on doors to find the owner so please don't suggest it or else I might blow a fuse! Keep up with your animals!
Once I was trying to get in my car and one for the other dachshunds came running up and jumped on me leaving behind a nice ole muddy footprint!!! I think the owners are being waaaay inconsiderate!!! I have a dog. She's in a fence.... and ya know what else????? I bring her in at night b/c she barks and I don't want to be INCONSIDERATE to my neighbors!
Its not my responsibitly to go knocking on doors to find the owner so please don't suggest it or else I might blow a fuse! Keep up with your animals!
Poor Miah
He has his daddy's allergies! FO SUR! He went to bed sneezing last night and woke up the same way if not worse! His eyes are watery and his nose is red. He takes presciption claritin at night. I gave him some bendryl this morning... it doesn't seem to be helping him.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fun Day at the Park!
We met Jamie at the park today. They've added a whole bunch of equipment to the park we used to visit when we lived in that area. I was overwhelmed at the amount of people there. Everyone in Shelby County must have been at that park today!!! Kids were running everywhere. I lost track of my boys a few times... after a while Jamie and I decided we'd rather go to her house where we could keep up with our kids! LOL I met her around 10am and didn't leave her house till after 2pm. We had a great time together... very relaxing. I know thats hard to believe with 7 kids between us but really it was.
I took some pictures at the park. Here's just a few.
Darcy and Jacob
Jacob flying down the slide!!!
I had some pictures of Jessica and Jeremiah but blogger was having issues and I could upload anymore. I'll try again later.
My Day Out
I met my dear friend Jenn for pedicures & lunch. I really enjoyed my Ultimate Pedicure!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Interesting to say the least!
In psychology we talked about gender idenity. It was interesting. Last week we talked about sexual stuff too. Its just like it was in highschool... everyone still giggles!!! I love my psychology teacher... I think if I would have had anyone else I may not be enjoying near as much. He's a trooper!!
I had a really hard time getting to school tonight. Its still daylight for a few more hours when I leave for class now (class starts at 5pm so i leave about 4:30ish). I wanted to stay here with the fam but I knew I had to go to class. I like it once I get there... making myself go is the problem. I rode all the way to class with my windows down, hair blowing and radio blarring... sheryl crow to be exact. Nothing else sounds better on days like these :)
My husband and FIL is in the process of tearing down our deck... its rotted. Hopefully we can have it rebuilt before the boy's b'day. I haven't decided if I'm having a party or just inviting family. I guess at this point it depends on whether the deck is finished or not.
Well I'm going to get ready for tomorrow.
I had a really hard time getting to school tonight. Its still daylight for a few more hours when I leave for class now (class starts at 5pm so i leave about 4:30ish). I wanted to stay here with the fam but I knew I had to go to class. I like it once I get there... making myself go is the problem. I rode all the way to class with my windows down, hair blowing and radio blarring... sheryl crow to be exact. Nothing else sounds better on days like these :)
My husband and FIL is in the process of tearing down our deck... its rotted. Hopefully we can have it rebuilt before the boy's b'day. I haven't decided if I'm having a party or just inviting family. I guess at this point it depends on whether the deck is finished or not.
Well I'm going to get ready for tomorrow.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to win the mom of the year award now... cause its after 10:30pm and my kids just got in bed. We just got home! I left here around noon today... met a friend, got pedicures and had lunch. Then strolled through some stores. I later met up with my hubby and kids at my parents house to visit with my grandparents. My sister needed to run to the Amen Corner.... did that... came back to parents house and somehow the girls ended up back shopping while the men folk watched the kids. Getting everyone up and ready for church should be real interesting in the morning!!
BTW Belk is having an AMAZING sell! Several 75% off racks!!!
night night!
BTW Belk is having an AMAZING sell! Several 75% off racks!!!
night night!
I was joking around with my hubby and FIL last night about tearing down our old deck today and trying to start on our new one. I'm having the boys b'day party on Saturday April 4th and then the next weekend is Easter which everyone is coming to my house. My deck it rotted!!! They were all for it... but its raining!!!! Oh well... maybe next weekend!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday Night Fun
We invited Matthew's parents, grandmaw, sister & hubby over for dinner. We sat around discussing our personality test results... oh what fun. We laughed over what famous people also fell under our category. Bill Cosby's in mine... I love that man!!! Eeyore is Matthew.... Mrs. B is C.S. Lewis... Amy was Doubting Thomas... Mr. B had a lot of military people... I don't think we discussed Amy's hubby (also named Matt) he was preoccupied with playing Hide N Seek with Darcy. Amy and Matthew were both the same actually.
We also discussed the South Alabama killing spree. I'm doing an extra credit assignment on analyzing the gunman. I've read a bunch of different articles with lots of information that isn't listed in other articles. What do you think makes a person snap?
We also discussed the South Alabama killing spree. I'm doing an extra credit assignment on analyzing the gunman. I've read a bunch of different articles with lots of information that isn't listed in other articles. What do you think makes a person snap?
Random pics
Snow Fun!!
Jessica was very sick when it snowed but she did come outside for a few minutes...
Jeremiah loved the snow... he kept loosing his gloves
Jacob wasn't sure about it.
You know Darcy would be all about it!! We couldn't keep her inside!!
This was the base of the huge snowman we made... or attempted to make :)
Darcy Bug
She's home today. She came in our room sometime in the wee hours. After that she kept me up with her SNORING!!! It was some heavy duty snoring too! She takes after her father and has severe allergies. She's all stopped up. She takes cingular. She's been sneezing all morning and now coughing.
Pray for my baby girl :)
Our Scores
Your personality type is ENFP.
Extraverted (E) 89% Introverted (I) 11%
Intuitive (N) 68% Sensing (S) 32%
Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45%
Perceiving (P) 68% Judging (J) 32%
Extraverted (E) 89% Introverted (I) 11%
Intuitive (N) 68% Sensing (S) 32%
Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45%
Perceiving (P) 68% Judging (J) 32%
Your personality type is ISTJ.
Introverted (I) 100% Extraverted (E) 0%
Sensing (S) 64% Intuitive (N) 36%
Thinking (T) 85% Feeling (F) 15%
Judging (J) 86% Perceiving (P) 14%
Your personality type is ISTJ.
Introverted (I) 100% Extraverted (E) 0%
Sensing (S) 64% Intuitive (N) 36%
Thinking (T) 85% Feeling (F) 15%
Judging (J) 86% Perceiving (P) 14%
Now follow this link to read about your personality type!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I know this is very random but I just had breakfast and I wanted to share.... LOL
I know you can order this at most fastfood places but I have never.... recently I saw it in Rachel Ray Yum O cookbook so the last few mornings I've made them....
scrambled eggs with melted cheese wrapped up in a flour tortilla. Yum O!!! If you wanted to you could add sausage or bacon (or whatever). They're GREAT!
Another favorite breakfast food is.... fried bologna omelets. fry the bologna first then slice it up and put it in the omelet... add cheese! Delicious!!!!!
Whats your favorite breakfast food?
I know you can order this at most fastfood places but I have never.... recently I saw it in Rachel Ray Yum O cookbook so the last few mornings I've made them....
scrambled eggs with melted cheese wrapped up in a flour tortilla. Yum O!!! If you wanted to you could add sausage or bacon (or whatever). They're GREAT!
Another favorite breakfast food is.... fried bologna omelets. fry the bologna first then slice it up and put it in the omelet... add cheese! Delicious!!!!!
Whats your favorite breakfast food?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance
I have a friend (a girl I knew) from highschool going to audition Sunday for the show. Her name is Starr Gaither. She was older than me in highschool. She was a cheerleader and she reminded me of Punky Brewster (member that show!). Anyways I found her on facebook via the people you may know... she's my friend now.
Say a prayer that she makes it... and when she does you have to WATCH & VOTE for STARR!!!
Say a prayer that she makes it... and when she does you have to WATCH & VOTE for STARR!!!
Update on Matthew
He went back to work today. He called me a little bit ago and said he was OKAY! He said that his boss keeps telling him to take it easy and if he needs to sit down then do it. Sweet... funny but sweet.
I joked with him last night and told him that if I knew he was going to take 4 days off then I would have planned some sort of vacation... not sat at home!
We actually were very productive yesterday. We took a load to the dump, picked up the tiller from his parents and tilled up our garden area.
I joked with him last night and told him that if I knew he was going to take 4 days off then I would have planned some sort of vacation... not sat at home!
We actually were very productive yesterday. We took a load to the dump, picked up the tiller from his parents and tilled up our garden area.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
English Midterm
I was really worried about my English midterm.... mainly because my teacher is really old and sometimes she doesn't remember the facts from the story. She also didn't give us a review of any sort. We've read 16 stories so far and thats all I knew about the test... it was what we've read. She made a comment last week about being a "theme" person and that made me even more nervous.
I got my test and immediately paniced! The first 10 or so were matching but it was weird stuff... not definitions or put the stories together with different phrases... but more of like I dunno how to explain... themes I guess. I was really worried about that part of the test. The rest wasn't that bad. I was first to finish my test. She graded mine while everyone else finished. Then she announced to the entire class... Nicole ONLY missed THREE! I was beside myself.
After class I stuck around to see which ones I missed... I missed some multi choice ones but IF I would have read the directions I might not have missed them! It was the BEST answer so some had more than one answer but I'm not sure what qualifies one answer better than the other. I guess its her opinion. I didn't argue.
Side Note -
I'm glad I'm doing so well at school. I would have never have guessed I would be doing so well. BUT... my English teacher isn't really doing what she ought to be doing. Everyone else says she's supposed to be doing grammer and we're supposed to have written 6 papers. We only write short paragraphs about the stories... nothing more than a page. I have a friend thats also an English teacher there... she says her 101 class is waaaay different.
i skipped psychology tonight... I left right after my english midterm!
I got my test and immediately paniced! The first 10 or so were matching but it was weird stuff... not definitions or put the stories together with different phrases... but more of like I dunno how to explain... themes I guess. I was really worried about that part of the test. The rest wasn't that bad. I was first to finish my test. She graded mine while everyone else finished. Then she announced to the entire class... Nicole ONLY missed THREE! I was beside myself.
After class I stuck around to see which ones I missed... I missed some multi choice ones but IF I would have read the directions I might not have missed them! It was the BEST answer so some had more than one answer but I'm not sure what qualifies one answer better than the other. I guess its her opinion. I didn't argue.
Side Note -
I'm glad I'm doing so well at school. I would have never have guessed I would be doing so well. BUT... my English teacher isn't really doing what she ought to be doing. Everyone else says she's supposed to be doing grammer and we're supposed to have written 6 papers. We only write short paragraphs about the stories... nothing more than a page. I have a friend thats also an English teacher there... she says her 101 class is waaaay different.
i skipped psychology tonight... I left right after my english midterm!
Funniest Thing I've heard all day
Its only 9am so it could get a lot better!!!
Jeremiah came up to me and said "wanna take off my head!" as he's standing there grabing both sides of his head lifting up! LOL Matthew and I both laughed first... when asked why he said he had booboo... we gave him some motrin.
sometimes I wanna take off my head too!!!
Jeremiah came up to me and said "wanna take off my head!" as he's standing there grabing both sides of his head lifting up! LOL Matthew and I both laughed first... when asked why he said he had booboo... we gave him some motrin.
sometimes I wanna take off my head too!!!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Update on Matthew
He went to the doctor this morning and came back with more prescriptions. The doctor told him that his best guess would be that Matthew got some sort of bacterial infection from someone who prepared his cheeseburger last night at Sonic. The only thing is... we all ate cheeseburgers and he's the only one sick! He said it wasn't ecoli b/c that took 24 hours to show up. He said it should all be gone by tomorrow. He didn't do any blood work which I wish he would have!!! Matthew is still going to the bathroom frequently... he's able to control it more now where as earlier he couldn't. He's missed the last 3 days of work... well he worked Saturday but not Thursday or Friday... and now Monday. First it was the nausea and now its diarrhea... but the doctor didn't think they were related. Pray for my hubby... He's weak.
Knocking on 3am
I'm awake. I haven't been awake the whole time but definitely off and on. My hubby is sick. He'd die if he knew I was posting this here. Around 7ish he started having diarrhea... its been non stop since then... seriously. He's been on the couch. I came down stairs to check on him and he's still running to the bathroom. I don't know what to do for him at this point. He's been drinking water... we're all out of gatorade. He's taken his max amount of imodium he's allowed. My poor hubby... please pray for him. I'm making him stay home again tomorrow for sure... even if he's diarrhea free he's going to feel like crap!!! Esp since he's alarm is due to go off in 1.5 hours!
say a prayer for my hubby. we had such an awesome day today with our kids and its ended like this... and our week is beginning like this! ugh!
I'm going back to bed... someone has to be alert to take care of everything tomorrow... I mean in a few hours!
say a prayer for my hubby. we had such an awesome day today with our kids and its ended like this... and our week is beginning like this! ugh!
I'm going back to bed... someone has to be alert to take care of everything tomorrow... I mean in a few hours!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
I'm studying... how bout you!?
I'm kinda sad b/c I had my husband home on Thursday and Friday but really didn't get to spend a lot of time with him. I had to take Jessica to an orthodontics appointment Thursday afternoonn then I had school. Friday I went with him to the doctor and he slept for a few hours after that. Then once he woke up I took the girls to get their haircutt. I was there for waaay too long! Then I dropped Darcy off at my parents house. Jessica's cell phone is messed up so we stopped by the AT & T store on the way home... 1.5 later we left with the same problem! That could be a whole nother post!!! I'm so pissed about that!!! Once I got home it was nearly 7:30 - 8pm!! Just enough time for us to make fried bologna omelets and watch a movie. We watched Fools Gold... cute. I love Kate Hudson to death!!! Matthew worked today and I've been cleaning... with Jessica's help. Jessica is now gone to her Nana's house... the boys are napping and Darcy is on her way home. I've been studying but I took a little break.
Anything exciting happening with you this weekend???? I'm loving the weather... my windows are open!!! love it!
Anything exciting happening with you this weekend???? I'm loving the weather... my windows are open!!! love it!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Darcy and I took Matthew to the doctor... he doesn't have the flu... he couldn't really tell us what was going on other than a virus. He gave him a shot and some meds.... He also gave me a shot and I'm not even sick!!!!! I love my doctor!! He's always so good about giving us extra samples and making sure we don't spread our sickness. Matthew was feeling really lightheaded when we left so I made him sit in the car while I ran errands.
After the doctors office I ran by the drug store and grocery store. Round 2 for stocking up on chicken noodle soup, gatorade and sprite!
Jeremiah had one slightly diarrhea diaper while we were gone. I'm so glad the girls are out of school today. Jessica's a big help... and esp in times like these.
Home now..... boys are napping... we're all trying to rest.
After the doctors office I ran by the drug store and grocery store. Round 2 for stocking up on chicken noodle soup, gatorade and sprite!
Jeremiah had one slightly diarrhea diaper while we were gone. I'm so glad the girls are out of school today. Jessica's a big help... and esp in times like these.
Home now..... boys are napping... we're all trying to rest.
Sweet Brother's
My boys are very sweet. They love on each other and share. Sometimes they fight... Jacob's my hitter. But for the most part they're sweet. In fact the latest thing they've shared is this bug... lucky me. Jeremiah is now having diarrhea diapers.
Matthew is home sick today... he's going to the doctor.
Matthew is home sick today... he's going to the doctor.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Making its rounds
...the sickness that is. My hubby told me the day before yesterday that he was feeling a little off. By the time I got home last night he was worse. But he's a stubborn @$$ and went to work anyways!!! I called him just now and told him that Jessica had an orthodontics appointment and that I needed him to leave at lunchtime so I could take her. He sounded relieved :) He's supposed to work Saturday but we'll see how that goes. He HATES taking time off for being sick.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I didn't like facebook in the beginning. I was happy with my blog and only got those other sites to keep up with the trends. But I've found a lot of people on facebook. My latest find is my highschool teacher that told me I should have been a poster child for abortion! yep he said that to me along with some other horrible things... like he's going to buy me one of those shock collars for dogs so everytime I talk its shocks me. He also threw a clipboard at a guy in my class. He was very short tempered to say the least. Anyways... he's now my friend on facebook. lol
What's your favorite thing about facebook?
What's your favorite thing about facebook?
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
My test
I got an 81 on my psychology test... I'm really disappointed but I knew I didn't do good on it. I have 2 more test in there so maybe I can do better next time.
Day 4
I was hoping that today Jacob would be diarrhea free. Didn't happen. He woke up with a nasty diarrhea diaper! Still not eating much... he did enjoy a popsicle for breakfast and of course I had to let the others have one too. So far the other kids haven't shown any sign of catching his bug. I just knew by now I'd have throw up and diahrrhea coming at me like crazy!
Jessica went back to school today. She was more than ready :)
Jessica went back to school today. She was more than ready :)
Monday, March 02, 2009
We're Back!!
I was told that it needed to run its course! LOL She said she didn't want to give him anything to keep him from puking or having diarrhea cause it would only slow down the process. Oh well! Afterwards we went to Target and I picked up some cool new car sheets for the boys beds and this really cute quilt (below). I know the car sheets don't match but if it makes them happy then I'm okay with that! Jacob was a good sport in Target!
I just realized I didn't buy diapers! IDIOT!!

On the way to the doctor
I'm starting off my week with a doctor's appointment! GREEEEAAT! I'm taking Jacob. He puked again this morning. This has been going on since Saturday morning. My poor fella has been such a good sport about all this. I'm hoping the doctor will give me some miracle medicine... although I'm afraid she's going to tell me its going to have to run its course... I hate hearing that!!!! I'm concerned he's dehydrated and I want them to look at him and tell me he's not... well actually looking at him will probably not satisfy me but I'm not sure what you do to see if someone's dehydrated.
I'll update later!
man I smell good! Its Mary Kay Warm Amber... yummy! This is coming from a girl who never wears anything smelly... but I smelt the warm amber sampler and wanted it! I hearts it big time!
I'll update later!
man I smell good! Its Mary Kay Warm Amber... yummy! This is coming from a girl who never wears anything smelly... but I smelt the warm amber sampler and wanted it! I hearts it big time!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Cute Things
- Last night Jacob walked up to Jeremiah and stuck out his hand. He shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you. I'm Jacob" It was the cutest thing ever!!!!
- The boys are drinking gatorade. They're calling it alligatorade... very cute.
- Jeremiah has gotten where everytime he gets up from the table after dinner he says "thanks mom"... how sweet!
- I was giving Jeremiah kisses the other day while unbuckling his carseat. He grabbed my face and held my face up against his for a longer kiss... while making the "mmmmm" sound. Then all the sudden he stuck out his tongue! GROSS MIAH!! He thought it was funny.
loving my babies!!!!!!
Its snowing!!!!! I'm sooooo excitedd!!
I called my mom to tell her it was snowing (of course its snowing there too). She asked what we were doing and I said getting everyone dressed. She said "Nicole! They're sick and you're going to let them go out in the snow?!" I said "YEAH!" and hung up! Like I'm going to keep my kids inside on the one day a year its snows!! Do you know how excited my kids are??? They're going crazy looking out the window!
I'll take pictures! I'm charging my video camera too!!!
I called my mom to tell her it was snowing (of course its snowing there too). She asked what we were doing and I said getting everyone dressed. She said "Nicole! They're sick and you're going to let them go out in the snow?!" I said "YEAH!" and hung up! Like I'm going to keep my kids inside on the one day a year its snows!! Do you know how excited my kids are??? They're going crazy looking out the window!
I'll take pictures! I'm charging my video camera too!!!
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