Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Remember yesterdays story???

Well last night I called Matthew on my way home from class. I asked him how everyone was and he said fine but it had been a crazy night. He said that the water line into the fridge has busted and about flooded the kitchen! I immediately said the mouse chewed it.... I knew that had to be what happened. NOPE... when I violently shook the fridge the copper pipe thingy got pinched and when he moved the fridge back last night it snapped. I felt really stupid! He wasn't mad (he rarely gets mad) but I knew he was tired. He'd also tried to change the lightbulbs in the living room but turns out the fixture is broken and now he needs to take it apart to fix it... we just got the stupid thing not even a year ago!


native-nc said...

Ain't life grand???

Staci said...

Oh girl. I've had those days myself!!! Thankfully none here lately!