Saturday, February 28, 2009

From Bad to Worse!

HA! Jacob woke up this morning around 8. He was saying something about water in his mouth. My boys have never thrown up... not that I can remember anyways. Well he did this morning. He had a low grade fever. He woke up with a dry diaper. 4 sippy cups later around 10:30 he finally peed! It was dark! I've been given him grape/cranberry juice... they drink cranberry juice regularly anyways. He didn't eat much at lunch time. I put them down for a nap and like a lot of days lately they never really went to sleep. They played quietly and finally let me know they were ready to come out. Jacob's shirt was wet and I could see something on his legs but wasn't sure. He had diarrhea. I took him straight to the tub. It was nasty! I sent Jeremiah down stairs for Jessica to change him... I didn't realize he too had a diarrhea diaper. They both ended up in the tub. There's poo stains in their floor... did I mention we just shampooed their carpet LAST weekend! Its a good think I own a Kirby!

Jessica's still sicky. She hasn't thrown up since Friday morning. She's run a fever off and on. She's very weak and has slept a lot.

Darcy seems fine but I'm sure it will spread... it always does.

Matthew's at work today.

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