Thursday, July 07, 2005

Husband of the Year award goes to.....

Matthew Brock!!!!!

Last night my back was really bothering me. I had to take a prescription Ibuprofen 800mg. I went to bed when matthew went to bed (around 10). Matthew normally is in bed way before 10 but b/c we kept the nursery we didn't get home until 9. My wonderful husband prayed for my back (we always pray in bed) and then he rubbed it until I fell asleep. A few times he'd doze off then wake up apologizing for falling asleep. I kept telling him he didn't have to keep rubbing it b/c I knew he was tired. But he did! He's such a wonderful husband... this is only one of the great things he does for me. He always puts others first. I love him so much! Thank you Jesus for giving me such a wonderful husband to share my life with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet! If I'm not feeling well, Hank will play with my hair until I fall asleep.